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  • 外文名:Gaze
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ɡeɪz]
  • 美式音標:[ɡeɪz]


英 [ɡeɪz] 美 [ɡeɪz]
v. 凝視,注視
n. 凝視,注視;特定視角,特定角度
【名】 (Gaze)(俄、意)加澤,(德)加策(人名)
[ 複數 gazes 第三人稱單數 gazes 現在分詞 gazing 過去式 gazed 過去分詞 gazed ]


gaze at 盯住 ; 凝視 ; 注視 ; 注目
Nose tip gaze 凝視鼻尖法
gaze out 向外注視 ; 眺望


  • His gaze settled on her face. 他的目光落在她臉上。
  • Her gaze drifted around the room. 她用目光緩緩掃視了一下室內。
  • My eyes met his icy gaze. 我的雙眼迎視他冰冷的目光。
  • I met his steady gaze. 我迎向他凝視的目光。
  • He sat down, purposely avoiding her gaze. 他坐了下來,有意避開她的目光。
  • He shifted his gaze from the child to her. 他把目光從孩子身上移到她身上。
  • Her gaze met Michael's for a split second. 她與麥可目光對視了一剎那。
  • The solemn intensity of Jade's gaze discomfited him. 在傑德強烈而嚴肅的凝視下他狼狽不堪。
  • I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze. 在盧克母親熱切的注視下,我感到很不自在。
  • I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness. 我覺察到,在他那不動聲色的凝視背後有一種深深的厭倦。
  • The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel's. 這位閣下把他凝視的目光從火焰上移開,與上校的目光相遇。
  • Every eye sank under his gaze. 在他的凝視下,每隻眼睛都低垂下來。
  • She lowered her head under his gaze. 她在他的注視下低下了頭。
  • Shift your gaze. 轉移你的注視。
  • As I began to wake up, he adjusted the gaze of my heart. 我開始醒過來,他調整了注視我心的方向。
  • In general, the expert's gaze was calmer and more stable. 總的來說,專家的目光更冷靜,也更穩定。
  • This mutual gaze is a major part of the attachment between mother and child. 這種相互凝視是母子之間依戀關係的重要組成部分。
  • When I turned red under her gaze, she turned away and back to the judges' bench. 當我在她的注視下臉紅時,她轉過身去,又回到了法官席上。
  • A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person who comes across the bar that you're interested in . 一次長久的注視或挑起眉毛暗示你對酒吧里碰到的人很感興趣。
  • As she speaks, her emotional gaze shifts from the ground, to my eyes, to the moonlit sky, to the ground, and back to my eyes again. 當她說話時,她那滿溢著情感的凝視的目光從地面移至我的雙眼,移至月光閃耀的天空,移至地面,又回到我的雙眼。
  • Specific brain regions that respond during direct gaze are being explored by other researchers, using advanced methods of brain scanning. 其他研究正在利用先進的大腦掃描方法探索直接凝視時做出反應的特定大腦區域。
  • On the other hand, art historians need to trust that one can indicate and analyze, not solely with words, but also by directing the viewer's gaze. 另一方面,藝術歷史學家需要相信,一個人不僅可以通過文字,還可以通過引導觀眾的目光來表達和分析。
  • Here, a neighbor father, crazed with grief at the death of his son, killed himself, and the moon implies in its gaze that the poet should do so, too. 在這裡,一個鄰居的父親,因兒子之死而悲痛發狂,自殺了,月亮在凝視中暗示詩人也應該這樣做。
  • The next day there was still no ship in sight, so Dudley told Brooks to avert his gaze and he motioned to Stevens that the boy, Parker, had better be killed. 第二天,仍然看不見一條船,於是達德利叫布魯克斯把視線移開,並示意史蒂文斯,最好把那個叫帕克的男孩殺掉。
  • Her gaze was fixed seawards. 她凝望大海。
  • He fastened his gaze on her face. 他盯著她的臉。
  • He met my gaze without flinching. 他毫不畏縮,跟我對視著。
  • His gaze roamed over her. 他聚精會神地上下打量她。
  • She met his gaze without flinching. 她毫不畏縮地與他對視。


