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  • 外文名:Galactic
  • 英式音標:[ɡəˈlæktɪk]
  • 美式音標:[ɡəˈlæktɪk]
  • 詞性:形容詞


英 [ɡəˈlæktɪk] 美 [ɡəˈlæktɪk]
  • adj. 銀河的;乳汁的


galactic halo [天] 銀暈 ; [天] 星系暈 ; 銀河暈
galactic center 銀心 ; 銀河系中心 ; [天] 銀河中心 ; 與銀心
galactic coordinate system 銀道座標系 ; [天] 銀道坐標系 ; 標系
galactic corona [天] 銀冕 ; 銀河暈 ; [天] 星系冕
galactic year 銀河年
Galactic astronomy [天] 銀河系天文學 ; 銀河系天文 ; 星系天文學
galactic plane 銀河平面 ; [天] 銀道面


  • Virgin Galactic had, prior to this week's accident, seemed closest to starting regular flights. 在本周事故發生前,維珍銀河公司似乎離開始定期飛行僅有咫尺之遙。youdao
  • On the flip side, companies like Virgin Galactic are plotting a bottom-up assault on the space dream by making it a reality to the public. 另一方面,維珍銀河等公司正在策劃對太空夢發動一場自下而上的襲擊,讓普通大眾也能夠實現自己的太空邀游夢想。youdao
  • In an interview last year with The Economist, George Whitesides, chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic, was placing his company in the latter category. 在去年接受《經濟學人》採訪時,太空旅遊公司維珍銀河的執行長喬治·懷特賽茲將他的公司歸為後一類。youdao
  • How Virgin Galactic, regulators and the public respond to this most recent tragedy will determine whether and how soon private space travel can transcend that playground. 維珍銀河公司、監管機構和公眾如何應對這起最近發生的悲劇,將決定私人太空旅行能否以及多久能超越這塊天地。youdao
  • However, the amount of helium in the universe, as measured by spectroscopy, suggests that there are far more baryons in the universe than estimates based on galactic luminosity indicate. 然而,通過光譜學測量,宇宙中氦的數量表明,宇宙中重子的數量要比基於星系光度所估計的要多得多。youdao
  • It's a pleasure to meet you, the first-known trans-galactic visitor to Earth. 很高興見到你,第一個已知的穿越銀河系來到地球的旅行者。youdao
  • Do we live in a "galactic ecosystem"? 我們生活的銀河系是個大的生態系統嗎?youdao
  • MERGERS: How Galactic Collisions Fed Black holes. 合併:星系間的撞擊是如何哺育黑洞的?youdao
  • Earth lies further out, nearer the galactic 'rim'. 其實地球遠離這箇中心,甚至都到了銀河的邊緣了。youdao
  • Galactic Governance - What is the Andromeda Council? 仙女座議會是什麼?youdao
  • Type III civilizations command energy on a galactic scale. 階段三,文明能控制一個銀河系範圍的能量。youdao
  • We have been located in a backwater part of the galactic rim. 我們位於銀河系邊緣的偏遠山區。youdao
  • Such mergers can generate a quasar phase of galactic evolution. 這些合併會在星系進化的過程中促成類星體階段的到來。youdao
  • Then they tested the whole shebang for signs of galactic mergers. 接著他們測試了整個過程,尋找星系合併的跡象。youdao
  • Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again. 他們曾與我們在兩個銀河循環之前接觸過,現在他們想再次與我們交好了。youdao
  • The ring may have been formed when two galactic clusters collided. 這個‘指環’可能是在兩個星團發生碰撞時形成的。youdao
  • These research flights mark an important milestone for Virgin Galactic. 這些研究飛行對於維珍銀河是一個里程碑。youdao
  • To get this far the Virgin Galactic project has faced many difficulties. 達到現在的成就,維珍銀河項目面臨了很多困難。youdao
  • Will the result of these galactic collisions be one big elliptical galaxy? 星系的撞擊將會使它們合成一個大的橢圓形星系嗎?youdao
  • The first planet of extra-galactic origin in the Milky Way has been found. 第一顆起源於外星系的行星在銀河系中被發現。youdao
  • 'it flew beautifully,' said Virgin Galactic chief executive George Whitesides. “它飛行的姿態實在太漂亮了,”維珍銀河公司執行長喬治·懷特·賽德斯如是說。youdao
  • In some simulations, the stars spread along a full orbit around the galactic center. 在一些模擬場景中,恆星們會沿著一個完整的軌道圍繞銀河系中心運轉。youdao
  • Galactic mergers take millions of years, so they can't readily be observed in progress. 星系的合併花了好幾百萬年,所以它們不容易在這個過程中被觀察到。youdao
  • So how can NASA deliver the same high-quality galactic images and information for less? 那么NASA怎樣才能多快好省地提供高清星系圖片?youdao
  • Without galactic assistance, I know of no other way to address the radioactive fallout problem. 沒有銀河人的援助,我知道沒有其他辦法解決放射性塵埃問題。youdao
  • Virgin Galactic has since accumulated a number of commercial rivals in the space-tourism market. 銀河維京的這一舉動對他們在空間旅遊市場上的競爭者們也開始有所動作。youdao
  • The Moon will also be just 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, that is, almost in conjunction. 月球將只離銀河中心差3度,這表示,差不多與銀河中心完全協調。youdao
  • The Sloan Great Wall, a vast galactic filament, is the largest known structure in the Universe. “斯隆長城”是一條巨大的絲狀體,是目前宇宙中已知的最大的結構。youdao
  • Constellations near the Galactic Center include Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, and Ophiuchus. 銀心附近的星座包括人馬座、天秤座、天蠍座、盾牌座和蛇夫座。youdao


