At the time when the guide to programs of the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (NSFC) is to be published, it is a greatpleasure for us to look back on the course the Foundation has experi-enced in the six years since its founding, and see the encouragingachievements made in the implementation of science foundation systemin China.In the practice in the course, firsty it is borne out that science foun-dation system is feasible in basic research and applied basic research inChina. As the policy of "relying on experts and developing democracy toselect excellent pro jects for support in a fair and reasonable way" is ad-hered to and scientifc and democra tic decision-ma king carried through,those who are funded feel honored, and those who fail to be supportedfor the time being are able to see their prospect and actively prepareconditions to win support next time, and meanwhile, the fund is used inan effective way, that is, most of it are earmarked for necessary scientificresearches.Secondly, a number of attractive achievements have been made.Observation in all areas shows that science foundation fund has trulyplayed a role of sowing and growth-accelerating in its support for basicresearch and applied basic research althougb a definite statistic figurecan not be given yet at this moment. For instance, research results madein the field of artificial crystal growth in China enjoy high prestige in theworld and some of them are in the lead, but most of them came up dueto the support of science foundation fund, and it is precisely because ofthe important role played by the science foundation fund that rapid pro-gress in the field of high temperature superconductors has been broughtabout in the country; the Research Center for Mechanization of Mathe-matics headed by Professor Wu Wen jun in scientific area has just beenset up, but at the moment when he was in a very dificult positionNSFC allocated a special sum of fund to support him, which had ena-bled him to carry forward his research, and later on constantly financialsupport was followed up from the Foundation, which had taken his re-search as its key project. All these facts show that the science foundationsystem not only is able to take aim but also has certa in flexibility in itssupport for scientific researches. In addition, many pro jects funded bythe Foundation as those of basic research and applied basic research atthe very start have been led to pro jects of high technology finally. It isdifficult to estimate how many scientific papers and monographs havebeen published on the basis of the research pro jects supported by theFoundation. Meanwhile, remarkable achievements have been made alsoin international cooperation and exchange, carried out on the basis ofthe pro jects funded by science foundation fund. In general, conscientioussumming-up is still necessary in what we have already done as men-tioned above.Thirdly, great results have been yielded in the stabilizing ofrescarchers and the fostering of talented personnel. Since its founding,NSFC has supported 50 000 to 60 000 scientists from a bout one thou-sand institutions, who account for almost one half of the scientifc work-er in the field of basic rescarch and applied basic research of the wholecountry. At present, more than ten thousand projects funded by theFoundation are in procession. And in the country there are 20 000 to25 000 postgraduates each year, who have to go in for their research anddoctoral thesis on the basis of the fund granted by the Foundation tosupport the pro jects of their instructors. Besides, applicants for the fundfor young scientists of the Foundation have been greatly increasing ev-ery year. Science foundation fund is playing, therefore, a very importantrole in the stabilizing of researchers and the fostering of talented person-nel and will exert a far- reaching impact on the development of scienceand tcchnology of the country.Today, NSFC is increasingly expanding the area of its activities and∞nducting more thorough going work. Its support is divided into threelevels of research projects, ie. general project, key project and ma jorpro. ject which include seven categories of projects, ice. project of free ap-plication, pro ject supported by fund for young scientists, project sup-ported by fund for regions remote and less developed in science andtechnology, project for exploring new ideas and concepts in high tech-nology, key projsct, major project and project in internationalcooperation and exchange. The area of their support involves extensivedisciplines of basic research, such as ma thematics, chemistry, life sci-ences, earth sciences, materials and engineering sciences, informationscience and management science, covering nearly 50 disciplines of thefirst degrc, 400 of the second and more than I 000 of the third. In addi-tion, the Foundation is paying close attention to encouraging the ex-ploratory researches in new disciplines and interd isciplines, which are be-ing carried out by scientific workers concerned in the country, and hasprovided them with quite a lot of financial support. The thousands of re-search pro jects granted by the natural science foundation fund have in-stituted an important part of basic research and applied basic research inChina, and therefore, represent the general level and strength of thecountry in the areas and exert even more profound influence on the de-velopment of science and technology of the 0 untry.
Ⅶ.Special Fields