新賽車遊戲 《GT Legends》公布,一款以老車為主題的賽車遊戲。車子有多老呢?60年代的GT賽車……,遊戲獲得了FIA的授權,收錄當年的90款賽車,和當年的賽道。數種不同的比賽類型,五個不同的難度級別,《GT Legends》將為初學者和專業玩家帶來非同尋常的賽車體驗。遊戲採用了新引擎,優秀的引擎產生的高清晰畫質能夠讓玩家眼前一亮。本作中的參賽車都是六、七十年代生產的,比如Austin Mini Cooper S、Ford Capri以及Mercedes 300 SL等等。玩家將駕駛這些車在歐洲的著名賽道上飛馳,參加杯賽,只有勝利者才能夠得到全部的車型。
開發商:SimBin Development Team
發行商:10tacle Studios
[codebox]1. You must have Windows XP with SP2 in order of playing Worms4
2. IDE PCI Controller Drivers MUST be OS STANDARD IDE PCI Drivers.
3. Unpack file sfcure01 that's in tools.rar and launch file !setup.bat
through MS-Dos Prompt and reboot your box.
4. If u have AMD64, then use sfcure_x64 that works same way as the other.
5. Check if all option of Daemon or Alcohol are activated especially
RMPS option.
6. Mount Alcohol 120% img and install the game.
7. Once installation is complete, launch sfdrup.exe to update StarForce3
drivers and reboot the box.
8. Launch through MS-Dos Prompt the file !start.bat that's in the unpacked
file sfcure01.
9. Unpack file sfn.rar e launch sfn.exe (StarForce Nightmare 1.12)
10 Select in this order "Disable node" , "Disable CD" , "Disable node" , and
the IDE channel you use for real CD/DVD units (Pr. Slave , Sc. Master o Sc.
Slave ) , depending on how your IDE units are connected
11. Launch the game and use this serial: FFMGU-HA34Y-V8ABF-VUN3Y-SCTRP .
12. Play.
Further Hints For Common Problems
. If you installed any bus monitoring tool (ide or scsi) such BusHound
uninstall it as it gives some troubles.
. If launching !start.bat you get a system error message like "System Error .1
Not correct function", do this: edit boot.ini file that u find in C: root.
As boot.ini is a hidden file, be sure u set the system to show u hidden files
Edit boot.ini and change the string with /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
to /execute=optin /fastdetect.
Reboot your PC and relaunch !start.bat. This way you should have solved your
incompatibility problems.
You have to virtually mount the game with Alcohol (even if Daemon Tools