《GEO-HAZARDS AND THEIR MITIGATION》是1992年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Shi Yafeng。


  • 作者:Shi Yafeng
  • 類別:安全科學技術
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:1992年1月 
  • ISBN:703002737X


Past experience has shown that natural disasters have caused heavy casualties, damageto property and threaten the existence of human beings. According to the statistics of theUnited Nations, in the last two decades about 2.8 million people lost their lives and 820 mil-lion people suffered from various calamities, while the direct economic losses amounted to100 billion US dollars all over the world and 50- -60 billion yuan (RMB) in China. Resolu-tion No. 42/ 169 by the United Nations declared the last decade of this century, from 1990to 2,000, as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) and demanded that, during these ten years, every international institution and organization takeaction cooperatively in order to reduce and mitigate the damage to mankind by natural dis-asters. The China National Committee of the International Decade for Natural DisasterReduction has been set up by the Chinese government since then and various activities con-cerning Natural Disaster Reduction have been developing in China.Proposed by the Rapid Geomorphological Hazards Study Group of the InternationalGeographical Union and the Natural Disaster Research Committee of the Chinese Acade-my of Sciences, and by scholars from home and abroad, an International Symposium washeld in Nanjing, August 21-26, 1990.About 120 scientists from all over the world including Australia, Holland, Hungary,Italy, New Zealand, Romania, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and Germany as well asChina participated in this meeting. The causes, processes and mitigation measures of vari-ous natural disasters were discussed, and over 100 papers and abstracts delivered whichcovered a wide range of research on natural disasters, especially in respect of mountain andplain disastersincludingtheir forms, distribution, monitoring,prediction andcountermeasures. Most of the papers present the latest research results with new theoriesand methods as well as the valuable experience of natural disaster- -mitigation in each coun-ry. Scholars from home and abroad will exchange views and be encouraged to discussmany aspects of natural disasters as a result of this meeting. The meeting also became ameans of strengthening international academic communication and cooperation on naturaldisasters to enhance human awareness of how to prevent natural disasters and tocoordinate international attempts to reduce natural disasters.On behalf of the Organizing Comitee, and the Natural Disaster Research Commit-tee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Rapid Geomorphological Hazards StudyGroup of the 1GU, we sincerely thank the organizations and institutions which activelysupported this meeting, including the National Foundation of Natural Sciences, NanjingInstitute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Disasterand Environment, the Dongchuan Station of Debris Flow Observation and Experiment,and scholars and experts from home and abroad.Natural disasters may occur in one place or region, but their form and influence haveconnections with regional and globai environmental change. This may well be the reasonthat encourages scholars and experts from many countries to gather to discuss the incidenceof natural disasters and possible countermeasures. One can be sure that the knowledge ofscience and human wisdom will take a more important position in creating a better envi-ronment for human life and in promoting the well-being of mankind. Based on the lecturesat the meeting some excellent papers have been selected for the proceedings. The aim is toprovide insights into current concerns about natural disaster mitigation.


Global Change and Related Natural Disasters in China(A Preliminary Study) Shi Yafeng
Environmental,Natural and Geomorphological Hazards C.Embleton
Natural Disasters and Possible Countermeasures in China Wang Angsheng
Catastrophic Natural Disasters and Related Projects for Their Mitigation in the Changjiang(Yangtze)Delta Tu Qingying and Sun Sh
Flooding in Finland Leo Koutaniemi
Flooding,Waterlogging and the Formatior of Swamps in the Middle Reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze)River and Possible Counter Me
Heavy Rainfall in China,Its Predictability and the Mitigation of Flood Catastrophes Cai Zeyi,Wang Zuoshu and Pan Zaitao
Major Natural Disasters in the Changjiang(Yangtze)Basin Sun Shuncai
Study of Lake Marshes and Lowlands in the Jianghan-Dongting Plain Using Remote Sensing Zhang Xiaoyang
Economic Analysis of Flood Control on the Middle and Lower Huanghe(Yellow)River Since the Founding of the P.R.China Li Guoying
Flood/Drought Hazards and Related Mitigation Projects in the Jianghuai Plain of Jiangsu Province Ji Zixiu and Jiang Zixun
Major Hazards in the Coastal Areas of China,Their Mitigation and Associated Planning Policy Chen Jiyu and Chen Xiqing
Soil Erosion Disasters on the Loess Plateau:Its Prevention and Countermeasures Tang Keli et al.
Droughts and Floods in China Li Kerang
Analysis of Soil-Water Loss Hazards and Strategy for Disaster/Mitigation in the Huanghe(Yellow)River and Changjiang(Yangtze)Riv
A Study of the Utilization of the Sloping Land in Anhui Province Sun Yufei
Kinematic Types and Forms of Debris Flow Zhang Jun
Numerical Research on the Regularity of Cold Air Pools in Mountainous Areas Pan Liangbao and Fu Baopu
Aeolian Sand Disasters and Countermeasures in the Arid Area of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Zhou Xinjia
Glacier J kulhlaups in the Yarkant River Valley,Karakorum Mountains,and Their Geomorphological Effects X.S.Zhang and Z.C.Xie
Analysis of Mountain Disasters in the Upstream Minjiang River Tang Bangxing,Liu Shijian and Liu Suqing
Comprehensive Evaluation of Slope Stability Xu Maoqi
Research on Catastrophic Deterioration of Water Quality in Chaohu Lake Zhang Shen and Sun Shuncai
Research on Catastrophic Soil Loss and Its Prevention in Tianmu Mountain,Southeast China Jiang Tong,Liang Haitang and Gu Renhe
Flood Hazards in an Intermontane Flood Plain:A Case Study in Tuscany(Central Italy) S.Moretti,G.Rodolfi and G.Saulle
Research on Floods and Droughts in the Taihu Area Chen Jiaqi and Pan Liangbao
Floods and Droughts in the Northern Region of the Huaihe River,Anhui Province and Countermeasures Mao Rui
A Study of Hazard Mitigation for Severe Convective Storms Hong Yanchao et al.
Distribution Characteristics and Formation of Flooding and Waterlogging in the Chuanjiang Drainage Area He Sudi
Analysis of Sensible and Latent Heat Transfer Characteristics Over China in Typical Floods and Droughts Summer in the Changjian
Coastal Calamities in the Changjiang(Yangtze)Delta and Northern Jiangsu Plain Zhu Jiwen,Ji Zixiu and Jiang Zixun
Rapid Geomorphological Processes in Coastal Mozambique:A Case Study on Inyaca Island Abilio Inguane
Monitoring and Treatment of the Unstable Rock Mass of Huangya Cliff on the Reservoir Bank Next to the Wujiangdu Hydroelectric D
The Effects of Human Activities on Landslides in the Haloze Hills,Slovenia,Yugoslavia Karel Netek
An Economic Analysis of Disaster Control in a Small Basin,Southwestern Mountainous Area of China:A Case Study in Hunshui Ravine
Landslide Problems in China Li Tianchi and Wang Shumin
Disastrous Effects of Rainstorms and Rainstorm Runoff on Hillslopes in the Daba Mountain Area of Sichuan Province Lou Jianyin
The Relationship With the El Nino Event and the Monsoon Circulation and Drought/Flood in the Summer Rainy Season Over Changjian
The Meteorological Forecast-Warning Service System to Reduce the Damage Caused by Flooding Tang Xunchang
Roadside Slope Stability Analysis of the E-W Transisland Highway Between Tailuko and Tienshang Shin Wang and K.C.Lee
Rapid Geomorphological Hazards in New Zealand I.F.Owens and J.M.Soons
Photogrammetric Methods in Geomorphological Process Studies:A Case Study From the Romanian Sub-Carpathians D.Bǎlteanu,N.Negut a
Interruption in Morphoclimatic Adjustment and Resultant Erosional Hazards in the Lateritic Terrains of the Birbhum District,Wes
Regularity and Tendency of Flood/Drought Variations in the Last 1,500 Years in the Middle Reaches of the Huanghe(Yellow)River C
Geomorphological Hazards and Their Countermeasures in the Southern Fujian Region Liu Zhendong


