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  • 外文名:frost
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式讀音:[frɒst]
  • 美式讀音:[frɔːst]


英 [frɒst] 美 [frɔːst]
n. 嚴寒天氣,霜凍;霜;冷淡,冷漠;<英,非正式>失敗
v. (使)蒙上霜,結霜;<美>在(糕餅)上撒糖霜;<美>將(頭髮)挑染成淡色;為(玻璃)制毛面;受凍
【名】 (Frost)(英、美、德)弗羅斯特(人名)
[ 複數 frosts 第三人稱單數 frosts 現在分詞 frosting 過去式 frosted 過去分詞 frosted ]


Robert Frost 羅伯特·弗羅斯特 ; 弗羅斯特 ; 佛洛斯特 ; 羅伯特·佛洛斯特
Frost & Sullivan 弗若斯特沙利文 ; 弗若斯特沙利文公司 ; 沙利文 ; 弗若斯特沙利文諮詢公司
Frost line 凍結線 ; 冰凍線 ; [地質] 凍深線 ; 霜凍線
Doug Frost 道格·弗羅斯特 ; 道格·福羅斯特 ; 弗羅斯特
Frost Nova 霜之新星 ; 冰霜新星 ; 霜凍新星 ; 霜凍之星
Nick Frost 尼克·弗羅斯特 ; 主演 ; 尼克佛斯
The Frost Report 弗羅斯特報告
Jack Frost 冰霜傑克 ; 危險關係 ; 弗羅斯特 ; 雪人情緣
frost crack [林] 凍裂 ; 凍裂隙 ; 在重霜季節 ; 冰凍裂隙


  • Frost patterned the window. 霜在窗子上形成了圖案。
  • The plants are tolerant of frost. 這些植物耐霜。
  • The car windows were covered with frost. 車窗玻璃結了霜。
  • It will be a clear night with some ground frost. 今夜晴,部分地面有霜凍。
  • There is frost on the ground and snow is forecast. 地上有霜,預報有雪。
  • Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants. 霜降危及新作物的存活。
  • Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost. 一場晚霜把他們的莊稼全毀了。
  • Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car. 零下十攝氏度把轎車上的鎖凍住了。
  • Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year. 每年這個時節都有可能下霜,只是並不常見。
  • She went around the car scraping the frost off the windows. 她繞著車刮掉車窗上的霜。
  • The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost. 空氣稀薄而清新,瀰漫著朦朧的陽光與霜靄。
  • Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others. 這些植物中有一些較其他的易受霜凍危害。
  • There is frost on the ground. 地上有霜。
  • Frost's Descent, the 18th solar term of the year, is the last solar term of autumn, during which time the weather becomes much colder than before and frost begins to appear. 霜降是一年中的第18個節氣,是秋天的最後一個節氣,在此期間,天氣比之前變得更涼,開始出現霜降。
  • Frost is possible in early summer. 初夏有可能下霜。
  • A lot of crops were damaged by the frost. 許多農作物被霜凍壞了。
  • Frost is so sly. 弗羅斯特很狡猾。
  • Thank you, Frost, you have delivered this to us. 謝謝你,弗羅斯特,你給我們送來了這個。
  • Braving snow and frost, the plum trees blossomed defiantly. 紅梅傲雪凌霜開。
  • Over time bedrock is attacked by rain, wind, frost, and snow. 隨著時間的推移,基岩會受到雨、風、霜和雪的侵蝕。
  • In some recordings, Frost says, "Or somebody will provide for you." 在一些記錄中,弗羅斯特說:“或者有人會給予你。”
  • Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. 在非常寒冷的條件下,岩石會被冰霜擊碎。
  • People are locked into themselves in Frost and in their points of view. 在弗羅斯特和他們的觀點看來,人們被自身給束縛住了。
  • We shall have frost tonight. Don't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat. 今天夜裡有霜凍,別忘了用蓆子把白菜包好。
  • Registration is on the second and third of September, between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall. 報名時間是9月2日至3日的6點到9點,地點在弗羅斯特音樂廳。
  • All the people Frost writes about are in some sense alone, and often alone together. 弗羅斯特描寫的所有人在某種意義上都是孤獨的,而且常常與孤獨相伴。
  • I love Robert Frost. Robert Frost actually visited Yale University when he was alive. 我愛羅伯特·弗羅斯特。羅伯特·弗羅斯特事實上生前還到訪過耶魯大學。
  • Frost is one of my favorite poets. I think Frost is interesting because he's a poet who is very popular. 弗羅斯特是我最喜歡的詩人之一。我認為弗羅斯特很有趣,因為他是一個很受歡迎的詩人。
  • Looked at one way, it is faintly ludicrous that Sir David Frost should be writing his autobiography already. 從某種角度看,大衛·弗羅斯特先生已經開始寫自傳,這有點可笑。
  • Things are not "made up" in Frost, not "made up" in the sense of imagined, but called up out of thin air, like fairies and elves. 在弗羅斯特的作品中,事物不是“虛構的”,不是想像中的“虛構”,而是憑空虛構出來的,就像仙女和精靈一樣。


