基本信息 School motto校訓:真理,團結,榮譽。
School color代表顏色:綠色和黑色
School type學校類型:公立男女同校
Address地址:3013 South Mt. Baker Boulevard Seattle Washington,98144
U nited States
標誌 Teachers老師:85
Other Staff:35
Average class每班學生數:24
Student Ethnicity學生比例:
亞裔 /太平洋島民51%;黑人種族33%;西班牙裔8%;白種人7%;美印第安阿拉斯加土著1%
Campus size校園面積:2.2英畝(8,903平方米)
Newspaper and Yearbook報紙和紀念冊:The Tolo
關於學校 我們的使命 畢業誰取得了卓越的學術成就,誰的學生期待著分享他們的專業知識,理解和同情創造一個日益和平和生產的社會。
我們的願景 富蘭克林高中,並提供所有學生包容性,安全和學術挑戰性的環境。
富蘭克林小型學習社區 學生在我們學校不僅是富蘭克林高中的學生,但也小的學習社區的成員,或學院。國小習社區:提高專業化協作,完善內容集成領域,並促進學生的參與。該學院的模型側重於全面的技能發展,同時創造更多的學生參與,學生的學習有意義的套用。各種課外和學生活動恭維我院的模型。對小型學習社區的更多信息,可以在學術界部分。
時間表 Regular Bell Schedule Grades 10-12 (50 minute classes) 1st Period 7:50am – 8:40am
2ndPeriod 8:45am – 9:35am
9:35 am - 9:45am
3rdPeriod (Homeroom)
9:50am - 10:55am
4thPeriod 11:00am - 11:50pm
Lunch 11:50am – 12:30pm
5thPeriod 12:35pm – 1:25pm
6th Period 1:30pm - 2:20pm
7th 2:25pm - 3:15pm
Regular Bell Schedule Grade 9 (50 minute classes) 1st Period
7:50am – 8:40am
2nd Period
8:45am – 9:35am
9:35 am - 9:45am
3rd Period (Homeroom)
9:50am - 10:55am
10:55am - 11:35am
4th Period
11:40am – 12:30pm
5th Period
12:35pm – 1:25pm
6th Period
1:30pm - 2:20pm
7th 2:35pm - 3:25pm
S.T.A.R. = Student Teacher Activity Resource (Break) 自習
Homerooms include additional class time for school announcements and Senate meetings
著名校友 Gary Faye Locke (
駱家輝 ):美籍
華裔 政治家。現任美國駐華大使。曾任華盛頓州州長等職。
Edwin M. Lee(
李孟賢 ):美國華裔。
加利福利亞州 ·
舊金山 市·市長。
校歌 Our green and black so true We'll conquer all for you. Send a volley cheer on high Shake down the thunder from the sky What though the odds to be great or small Our Franklin High will win over all While our loyal sons are marching Onward to victory!