Foreign Bill of Exchange是國際匯票/國外匯票。
Foreign Bill of Exchange是國際匯票/國外匯票。
又稱“國外匯票”或“國際匯票”(Foreign Bill of Exchange,Foreign Bill)。指匯票簽發和付款行為發生於國外,或者匯票轉讓行為涉及到不同國家的匯票。根據聯合國國際貿易法委員會1986年第19屆會議的《國際匯票和國際本票公約草案》的規定,國際匯票是一種標有“國際匯票(……公約)”的書面票據,載有發票人指示持...
Project 2 Balance of Payment Part Ⅰ Balance of Payment Part Ⅱ China's Balance of Payments Practice Project 3 Negohable Instruments Part Ⅰ Introduction Part Ⅱ Bill of Exchange Part Ⅲ Promissory Note Part Ⅳ Check Practice Project 4 Remittance Part Ⅰ Foreign Exchange Transaction Part Ⅱ Types...
3.1 An overview of negotiable instruments 3.1.1 Definition of a negotiable instrument 3.1.2 Chief features of a negotiable instrument 3.1.3 Parties to a negotiable instrument 3.1.4 Negotiable instrument laws 3.2 Bill of exchange 3.2.1 Definition of a bill of exchange 3.2.2 Contents ...
5.1Basic Modes of International Payment國際支付的基本方式 5.1.1Remittance匯付 5.1.2Collection托收 5.1.3Letter of Credit信用證付款 5.1.4Bank Guarantee銀行保函 5.1.5Payment Choices支付方式的選擇 5.2Instruments of Payment支付工具 5.2.1Bill of Exchange匯票 5.2.2Promissory Note本票 5.2.3...
UsedinForeignTrade 114 Preposition 117 BusinessConversations 118 UsefulExpressions 120 CaseStudy 120 Exercises 124 UnitNineTermsofPayment 126 Meansofpaymentininternationaltrade 126 Billofexchange 126 PromissoryNote 129 Cheque(Check) 129 ModesofInternationalPayment 130 Remittance 130 Collection 131 LetterofCredit...
Chapter 6 Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance I. Charterparties II. Bills of Lading III. Marine Cargo Insurance Chapter 7 Finance of International Trade I. The Bill of Exchange II. Collection of Documentary Bills through Banks III. Letters of Credit (L/C) IV. UCP 600 V....