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  • 中文名:國際商法(第四版雙語版)/21世紀法學規劃教材
  • 作者:姜作利
  • 出版社:法律出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年5月1日
  • ISBN:9787519743413




Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business Law
I. What is International Business Law?
II. History of International Business Law
III. Sources of International Business Law
IV. International Organizations
V. Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems
VI. International Business Law and China
Chapter 2 Forms of International Business
I. Some International Trade Theories
II. Exporting
III. Government Controls over Trade
IV. International Licensing Agreement
Chapter 3 Legal System of International Business
I. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale ofGoods (CISG)
II. UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC)
III. International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (Incoterms2010)
Chapter 4 Contract Law for the International Sale of Goods
I. Definition and Form of Contract
II. Validity and Formation of International Sale of Contracts
III. Remedies for Breach of Contract
IV. Anticipatory Breach of Contract and Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractusin Civil Law
V. Liquidated Damages
VI. Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer
VII. Passing of Risk
VIII. Passing of Property
IX. Excuses for Nonperformance
Chapter 5 International Regulation of Electronic Commerce
I. Definition of Electronic Commerce
II. The Effects of ECommerce on Commercial Relationships
III. The Challenges of Ecommerce to the Traditional Legal Systems
IV. International Measures to Harmonize the Legal Issues Relating to ECommerce
Chapter 6 Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance
I. Charterparties
II. Bills of Lading
III. Marine Cargo Insurance
Chapter 7 Finance of International Trade
I. The Bill of Exchange
II. Collection of Documentary Bills through Banks
III. Letters of Credit (L/C)
IV. UCP 600
V. Uniform Rules for Forfaiting
VI. International Factoring
Chapter 8 China Partnership Enterprise Law
I. Definition and Creation of a Partnership
II. Property of a Partnership Enterprise
Ⅲ. Partners’ Rights and Duties
IV. Profits and Loss
V. Admission to and Withdrawal from a Partnership Enterprise
VI. Limited Partnership Enterprises
VII. Dissolution and Liquidation
VIII. Legal Liabilities
Chapter 9 China Company Law
I. History and Nature of Corporations
II. Purposes of China Company Law
III. Basic Categories of Company Organs
IV. Abuse of Shareholder Rights and Piercing the Corporate Veil
V. Special Provisions on Single Shareholder Limited Liability Company
VI. Limitations on Third Party Loans and Guarantees
VII. Corporate Combination and Division; Increase and Reduction of Registered Capital
VIII. Company Dissolutions and Liquidations
Chapter 10 Foreign Investment Law of China
I. Sources of Foreign Investment Law of China
II. Major Forms of Foreign Investment
III. Chinese Preferences Drawing Foreign Investment
IV. Chinese Domestic Laws Protecting Foreign Investors
V. Dispute Settlement for Foreign Investors
VI. Defects of the Chinese Legal System of Foreign Investment
VII. The Foreign Investment Law of the Peoples Republic of China
Chapter 11 Intellectual Property Right Law
I. The Creation of Intellectual Property Rights
II. International Provisions
III. International Licensing Agreement
Chapter 12 GATT and WTO Law
I. The Founding of GATT
II. Major Principles of GATT 1994
III. The World Trade Organization (WTO)
IV. WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures
Chapter 13 The Law of Agency
I. Creation of Agency
II. Duties of Agent and Principal
III. Termination of an Agency
IV. Third Party Relations of the Principal and the Agent
Chapter 14 International Commercial Dispute Settlement
I. Settlement of Disputes through Municipal Courts
II. International Tribunals
III. Alternative Dispute Resolution
IV. Commercial Arbitration


姜作利,男,生於1956年2月,山東蓬萊人,山東大學法學院教授,法學博士,博士研究生導師。任聯合國國際貿易法委員會(UNCITRAL)專家、WTO爭端解決機構專家小組(Panel)專家、世界智慧財產權組織(WIPO)專家、教育部雙語示範課程專家、法務部項目評審專家、山東省調解委員會調解員及山東濟南市國際貿易法學會副會長等。義大利羅馬大學法學院訪問學者(1995~1998年),巴斯大學訪問學者(2004~2005年)。曾多次應聯合國、WTO總部、世界智慧財產權組織邀請參會和演講。曾赴美國、英國、加拿大、瑞典、瑞士、義大利、荷蘭、奧地利、前南斯拉夫、日本及韓國等國家的高校參會和講學。精通英語、義大利語、法語、拉丁語等多門外語,使用英語講授國際商法近30年,承擔教育部的雙語示範課程,積累了較豐富的使用英語講授法律的經驗。在(Journal of International Economic Law, Oxford University Press)、(Tsinghua China Law Review)、(China and WTO Law Review)、《現代法學》、《當代法學》、《比較法研究》、《政治與法律》、《法學論壇》、《國際經濟法學刊》及《國際貿易問題》等刊物發表中英文論文近百篇。出版著作和教材多部。主持完成國家社科、教育部、法務部、山東社科及山東大學等重大及一般科研項目多項。


