《Foothills》是Violent Femmes演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《We Can Do Anything》。
- 外文名:Foothills
- 所屬專輯:We Can Do Anything
- 歌曲原唱:Violent Femmes
- 發行日期:2016年3月4日
《Foothills》是Violent Femmes演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《We Can Do Anything》。
A Nymph of the Foothills 《A Nymph of the Foothills》是由Frederick A. Thomson執導的電影,由Rex Taylor、Garfield Thompson擔任編劇,Gladys Leslie、Alfred Kappeler等主演。職員表 演員表
雅拉丘陵(Sierra Foothills)葡萄酒產區是美國最大的AVA之一,位於加利福尼亞州,從南部的Mariposa County一直延伸至北部的Yuba County。氣候 Sierra Foothills葡萄園的氣候與其所在位置的海拔高度、山谷排列方式和山坡朝向密切相關。夏季白天溫度在80至100華氏度以上,而冬季白天氣溫一般在40至70華氏度之間。山區夏季涼風習...
加州擁有極其多樣的土壤和小氣候,因此就可以栽培品類繁多的葡萄。從絲雅拉丘陵(Sierra Foothills)的崎嶇山地到中央谷(Central Valley)的坦蕩平原,不同的土壤培育出了風味各異的葡萄。名氣 加州的地貌跟法國許多著名的葡萄酒產區相似。納帕谷(Napa Valley)就跟波爾多產區相去不遠,葡萄的品種也差不多:白的有...
另外還有3個小的AVA轄區,即SOUTH COAST AVA(南海岸)、NORTHERN CALIFORNIA(北加州)以及SIERRA FOOTHILLS(賽樂山脈)。每個大AVA轄區下面又有眾多的小轄區。北海岸大AVA區就包含了AVA的1號到45號,其中就有納帕谷、索諾馬等著名產區;中海岸大AVA區則包含了67號到94號地區,著名的利弗莫爾谷(LIVERMORE VALLEY)...
Smaller Pieces 《Smaller Pieces》是The Bats演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Foothills》。專輯信息 《Foothills》是The Bats於2020年11月13日發行的音樂專輯,共收錄12首歌曲,由歌手The Bats擔任專輯製作人,《Smaller Pieces》也收錄其中。
Wayfarer Foothills 遠行者之丘 雙語例句 Nice little farm, replied the wayfarer, briefly.“一個不錯的小農場。”過路的人簡短地回答。Thou art the solitary wayfarer in this deserted street.你是這淒清的大街上孤獨的旅人。The physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer.醫生們起先嘲笑這個來歷不...
學校占地22 英畝,位於伯班克住宅區的維杜溝丘陵(Verdugo Foothills),驅車20分鐘可到達洛杉磯市區。學院正好位於伯班克機場的東面,交通便利。城市以主題公園而聞名,而且是娛樂電影工業的所在地,還擁有世界上一些較強的體育團隊。同時它也是音樂、戲劇和文化盛事舉辦的動感中心。The Getty中心匯集了一些世界上最有名的...
24 Ethan Boroson G/F SO 6-2 220 Tucson, Ariz./Catalina Foothills 31 Todd Cramer G/F FR 6-4 205 Ambler, Pa./Chestnut Hill Academy 32 Mike Edwards G/F SO 6-7 190 Canyon Country, Calif./Canyon 33 Alex Runkel F/C SO 6-5 190 Villin.-Schwen., Germany/Salem International 34 Brian ...
74 Near (the foot of the hill / the foothills) stood several villages.75 It is his (manner / manners) that anaoys me.76 He is behind (time / the times).77 He got up late on (Sunday / Sundays).78 He is involved in (a good business deal / a good deal ofbusiness)79 (A ...
·主編:Richard E Buckley:加拿大皇家外科醫師學會會員 , Foothills醫院教授。·主審:王滿宜:原北京積水潭醫院創傷骨科主任,主任醫師,創傷骨科學術帶頭人,北京大學醫學部、清華大學生命學院兼職教授,國際骨科內固定學會(AO\ASIF)亞太主席、中華醫學會骨科分會創傷學組顧問、中華醫學會運動醫學分會副主委、中華醫學...
2006-2007賽季,他協助主教練泰·阿蒙德森(Ty Amundsen),擔任亞利桑那州固特異的埃斯特雷亞山麓高中(Estrella Foothills High School)校隊的助理教練。他也在2009年前往Hoopfest。他曾擔任過波特蘭開拓者隊的球員發展主管。生涯數據 個人榮譽 NBA全明星 (1991)NBA體育風尚獎(1999)NBA年度新秀最佳陣容第一隊(1989)奧斯...
畢業於上海交通大學醫學院,加拿大Calgary大學Foothills醫院博士後。曾在德國柏林洪堡大學 Charite醫院和不萊梅Diako醫院普外科訪學,專注於普外科微創治療技術的研究與臨床套用。長期從事胃腸道腫瘤和炎症性腸病的外科治療,擅長胃腸道腫瘤的微創和綜合治療、炎症性腸病併發症的治療、超低位直腸腫瘤保肛術和便秘的外科手術...
10/08/2011 MARYVILLE, TN Foothills Festival 10/11/2011 JACKSON, MS Mississippi State Fair 10/13/2011 GREEN BAY, WI Resch Center (with Reba)10/14/2011 FT. WAYNE, IN Allen County WMC (with Reba)10/15/2011 HUNTINGTON, WV Big Sandy Arena (with Reba)10/19/2011 PHOENIX, AZ Arizona State...
Mission San Jose is nestled in the foothills at the northern edge of the Mission San Jose District; one of five townships that were joined in the 1950’s to create the present day city of Fremont. The historic Mission San Jose founded by Spanish Missionaries is just down the road from ...
Vienna Woods (1)Gutenstein Alps (2)拉克斯山(Rax)和施內山(Schneeberg) (3)Mürzsteg Alps (Schneealpe) (4)Türnitz Alps (5)Ybbstal Alps (6)Hochschwab (7)Ennstal Alps (including Gesäuse) (8)Upper Austrian foothills (9)Totes Gebirge (10)達赫施泰因 (Dachstein)(11)Salzkammergut (12)...
Wild mangoes come from the foothills of the Himalayas.野生芒果產自喜馬拉雅山麓。Mallory's death was part of a heroic age of mountaineering and exploration when the tallest peaks of the Himalayas were yet to be vanquished.馬洛里的死只是登山探險的英雄時代的一部分,在那個時代里,喜馬拉雅山脈的最高峰...
Founded in 1913, Ferrum College provides life-long learning and outstanding career and graduate school preparation in a setting of rich natural beauty. Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwestern Virginia, Ferrum is a four-year primarily residential college with easy access ...
At Rishikesh, in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, special retreats invite novices to practice stretching, breathing and contemplation alongside qualified yogi masters.在瑞詩凱詩,位於喜馬拉雅山寧靜的山腳的小鎮,特別靜修班會邀請新手們跟著瑜伽修行師一起體驗伸展、呼吸和沉思。
In the foothills of Kambo lies a place sacred to Chakrasamvara. 在坎博的山麓坐落著一個對於勝樂金剛來說很神聖的地方。In Eleusis, there is evidence of sacred laws and other inscriptions. 在埃萊夫西斯有神聖的法律和其他銘文的證據。This sacred site was one of the greatest Mayan centres of the ...
一個守衛叫你去找傳說中的mace,回amanlu的tavern說話,然後到snowbrook foothills的snowbrookgrotto中的一個密門裡面找回碎片 比較明顯,因為一路走過來的時候這傘門是開不了的,不過現在可以開了 回去談話以後叫你去tomb of agarrus tomb就在lost valley的山洞裡面,進洞後看到兩座沒接上的橋,開關比較卑鄙的躲...
and of the lake basin than the lush plants staggered distribution, the size of the lake up to 422, most have dried up. (3) Ulan Buh Desert in the north-east edge of an area of about 14 million square kilometers, surrounded by B for the denudation of mountain desert, the foothills ...
Born in canada to a lancastrian father and a welsh mother-he is also a quarter chinese-hargreaves learned his trade with the calgary foothills in his homeland before being spotted by bayern in1997.出生在加拿大,父親是蘭卡斯特城人,母親是威爾斯人——甚至他有四分之一的中國血統——在他的家鄉...
《阿拉索與巨魔戰爭(Arathor and the Troll Wars)》是網路遊戲魔獸世界中的一本書,位於鐵爐堡(IronForge)的探險者大廳,希爾斯布萊德丘陵(Hillsbrad Foothills)的塔倫米爾(Tarren Mill)還有血色十字軍(Scarlet Monastery)的珍寶陳列室。遊戲簡介 當高等精靈正在為生存而抵抗著巨魔大軍猛烈的衝擊時,洛丹倫大陸上...
kikuyu,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“基庫尤人(肯亞);基庫尤語(肯亞)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 Kikuyu /kɪˈkuːjuː/ 1.N a member of a Negroid people of E Africa, living chiefly in Kenya on the high foothills around Mount Kenya 吉庫尤人; 東非洲肯亞民族 ...
《More Hearts Than Mine》是一首Ingrid Andress演唱的歌曲,收錄於《More Hearts Than Mine》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 I can't wait to show you where I grew up 我迫不及待想帶你看看我長大的地方 Walk you 'round the foothills of my town 帶你繞著小鎮的山麓小丘走走 Probably feel like you've been there...