《Fooling down》是由DJ project演唱,2000年發行的歌曲。
- 外文名:《Fooling down》
- 歌手:DJ project
- 發行時間:2000年
- 風格:舞曲
- 國籍:羅馬尼亞
《Fooling down》出自歌手DJ project的單曲
首張專輯發布時間:2001年2009年之前的DJ Project

羅馬尼亞著名電子舞曲團體“DJ Project”出道以來數張完整專輯今天終於登入VC了,網路一直都很風靡他們的單曲,尤其女主唱的嗓音更是百年難遇。
介紹下DJ Project,成立於2000年在羅馬尼亞的蒂米什瓦拉。他們的第一張專輯(Experience)發表於2001年。起初由2位DJ
( Gino Manzotti,DJ Maxx)組成,而後一位天資傲人的主唱Elena加盟該舞曲組合,一個完整的DJ3人組將在音樂上開啟一項龐大的工程。在數年後的06年這點得到了充分的印證。一尊沉甸甸的獎盃殊榮上面鐫刻著“"Best Romanian Dance”最終歸屬出道6年的“DJ Project”,整個歐洲為之驚嘆。
DJ Project最大的亮點在於女主唱,Elena的嗓音柔軟適中,透著一絲溫暖的涼意,聆聽電子音符碰撞出的火花,會不經意間帶你遊走世界每個角落,DJ Project有這樣的魔力讓彼此心與心互相安撫,午夜皎潔的月光傾灑向你我的心房,從此孤獨不再侵蝕,每當聽見Elena婉約的嬌啼就會浮想聯翩。
DJ project 主唱Elena Baltagan在2009年已離開團隊單飛並改名為Ellie White,現任主唱是Giulia。
I was walking down the street
All alone ,in my heart
I`m thinking of you
I was trying to forget
All the pain..that you caused
I`ll leave it all behind
When I`m all alone In my own
I'm dreaming
Hoping that this will pass away
I trust my heart to keep my tears from falling
But they just ease the pain
I`m falling on my knees
And I pray,I pray to God above
I tell him that you`re so near
But instead we`re going apart...
I was walking down the street
All alone ,in my heart
I`m thinking of you
I was trying to forget
All the pain..that you caused
I`ll leave it all behind
As I`m walking down the street tonight
Suddenly I realise
You`re the one i need to hold me tight
I need you here right by my side
I`m falling on my knees
And I pray,I pray to God above
I tell him that you`re so near
But instead we`re going apart...
I was walking down the street
All alone ,in my heart
I`m thinking of you
I was trying to forget
All the pain..that you caused
I`ll leave it all behind
I was walking down the street
All alone ,in my heart
I`m thinking of you
I was trying to forget
All the pain..that you caused
I`ll leave it all behind