Flora of China24

Flora of China24

《Flora of China24》是2006年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是吳征鎰。


  • 中文名:Flora of China24
  • 作者:吳征鎰
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2006年1月1日
  • ISBN:9787030086662


Volume 24 of the Flora of China is the sixth of a 25-volume work. It includes 22families, 131 genera, and 1335 species, of which six genera and 652 species (nearly half)are endemic to China. The families treated are: Flagellariaceae (one species), Restionaceae(one species), Centrolepidaceae (one species), Xyridaceae (one genus, six species),Eriocaulaceae (one genus, 35 species), Bromeliaceae (one species), Commelinaceae (15genera, 59 species), Pontederiaceae (two genera, five species), Philydraceae (one species),Juncaceae (two genera, 92 species), Stemonaceae (two genera, eight species), Liliaceae (57genera, 726 species), Amaryllidaceae (ten genera, 34 species), Taccaceae (two genera, sixspecies), Dioscoreaceae (one genus, 52 species), Iridaceae (three genera, 61 species),Musaceae (three genera, 14 species), Lowiaceae (one genus, two species), Costaceae (onegenus, five species), Zingiberaceae (20 genera, 216 species), Cannaceae (one species), andMarantaceae (four genera, eight species).
Volume 24 is formatted in the same manner as the first five volumes of the series: vol.17 (1994), vol. 16 (1995), vol. 15 (1996), vol. 18 (1998), and vol. 4 (1999).
Nicholas J. Turland edited the Costaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae, and Zin-giberaceae; Anthony R. Brach edited the following genera in the Liliaceae: Hemerocallis,Heteropolygonatum, Heterosmilax, Hosta, Lilium, Maianthemum, Polygonatum, Smilax,Tricyrtis, and Veratrum; Robert A. DeFilipps edited the Commelinaceae; Bruce Bartho-lomew, assisted by Orb61ia R. Robinson, edited the remaining 16 families. Nicholas J.Turland carded out the nomenclatural checking, the final, overall editing and, together withIhsan A. A1-Shehbaz, Amy McPherson, and Diana Gunter, the final proof reading. NicholasJ. Turland compiled the index to scientific names; and Zhu Guanghua (朱光華) compiledthe Chinese, pinyin, and family indexes. Michael G. Gilbert provided help with making thedescriptions consistent in several genera. Rosemary Tanaka entered the final corrections,made numerous improvements to the front and end matters, and typeset the entire volumefor publication.
The seventh volume in the series (vol. 8) will treat eight families, including the largeBrassicaceae (ca. 450 species), Crassulaceae (ca. 250 species), and Saxifragaceae (ca. 500species).


Flagellariaceae 須葉藤科 xu ye teng ke
Restionaceae 帚燈草科 zhou deng cao ke
Centrolepidaceae 刺鱗草科 ci lin cao ke
Xyridaceae 黃眼草科 huang yan cao ke
Eriocaulaceae 谷精草科 gujing cao ke
Bromeliaceae 鳳梨科 feng like
Commelinaceae 鴨跖草科 ya zhi cao ke
Pontederiaceae 雨久花科 yujiu hua ke
Philydraceae 田蔥科 tian cong ke
Juncaceae 燈心草科 deng xin cao ke
Stemonaceae 百部科 bai bu ke
Liliaceae 百合科 bai he ke
Amaryllidaceae 石蒜科 shi suan ke
Taccaceae 蒟蒻薯科 ju ruo shu ke
Dioscoreaceae 薯蕷科 shu yu ke
Iridaceae 鳶尾科 yuan wei ke
Musaceae 芭蕉科 bajiao ke
Lowiaceae 蘭花蕉科 lan huajiao ke
Costaceae 閉鞘姜科 bi qiaojiang ke
Zingiberaceae 姜科 jiang ke
Cannaceae 美人蕉科 mei renjiao ke
Marantaceae 竹竽科 zhu yu ke
Index to Chinese Names
Index to Pinyin Names
Index to Scientific Names
Index to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae
Published Volumes of the Flora of China


