FlameFighter:中文名火焰戰士,是一款家用車用滅火器。其主要特點是色彩繽紛且小巧突破了以往人們對滅火器固有的形象。而且其滅火性能也相當不錯,因為採用了更好的噴射系統和滅火藥劑(EN615 歐洲標準),所以擺脫了同類產品只是個擺設的尷尬。而且迎合了對低碳和環保的要求,在歐美深受用戶歡迎。
- 中文名:火焰戰士
- 外文名:FlameFighter
- 尺寸:6.6x29cm
- 材質:99.9%可回收鋁
滅火藥劑:500g EN615 ABC Powder
5色彩:亞光黑,珍珠白,金,紅,藍 掛架:ABS塑膠環保可回收
Reference of FlameFighter:
Body size: 6.6x29cm body material:99.9%alu (100% recycle)
Full volume:676ml
Body production process: German Mall+herlan technology
Plastic parts material: abs plastic (100% recycle)
Bracket: plastic (ABS) & Steel
Extinguishing medium: 500g ABC powder (EN615 standards)
Spray test & Extinguishing test: meet with europe standard
Packing size(without inner color box): 39x39x30cm pcs/ctn: 25pcs Packing size ( with inner color box & bracket): 52x35x31cm 24pcs
G.W(with inner box & bracket):19.3kgs
5 colors: matt black, pearl white, gold, red, blue