- 外文名:fishy
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈfɪʃi]
- 美式發音:[ˈfɪʃi]
(1) 腥氣,泛指肉魚、類及油脂的臭氣味[(fishy) odor]腥臊並御。——《楚辭·屈原·涉江》。註:“臭也。”王之廚饌,腥螻不可饗。——《列子·周穆王》水居者腥。——《呂氏春秋·本味》扁地腥雲。——清· 林覺民《與妻書...
《捉魚趣 Fish Galaxy》是一款休閒遊戲,由Sigma Game 團隊出品的第一個 Android 安卓平台遊戲《捉魚趣 Fish Galaxy》終於推出!主角的寵物(河豚魚機器人) Fishy 愛魚,但主人Catchy 愛捉魚。在這個遊戲中,Catchy 的目標是用泡泡槍...
腥臊是一個漢語辭彙,意指腥臭的氣味,借喻醜惡的事物。基本解釋 [fishy and foul] 腥臭 鑽燧取火以化腥臊。——《韓非子·五蠹》腥臊惡臭。腥臊並御。——屈原《涉江》詳細解釋 1. 腥臭;腥臭的氣味。《荀子·榮辱》:“鼻辨芬芳...
Fishy (2008) [製片]En Enkelt til Korsør (2008) [製片]Dig og mig (2008) [製片]舞者 (2008) [製片]Himlens hjärta (2008) [製片]安詳離開 (2008) [製片]萊奧 (2007) [製片]埃里克·尼采的早年生活 (2007) [製片]...
husbandry/fishy_business — 舉巢搬遷 用精準採集移動住著3隻蜜蜂的蜂巢 農牧業 — 進度 husbandry/silk_touch_nest — 開荒墾地 種下種子,見證它的成長 農牧業 種植這5種植物(甜菜根、西瓜、下界疣、南瓜、小麥)中的一種。 (如...
Mildewy And Fishy 發霉和腥 雙語例句 Through prevents the condensation, fundamentally solves the container problem that because of the moisture to affects the substance damage, the moisture to affects the leather products become...
Trimethylamine is the chemical that produces the 'fishy' smell we all recognise.三甲胺是產生我們都能聞得出來的那股腥味的化學物質。The cationic rosin was synthesized by solvent method, with rosin, trimethylamine and epoxy ...
《地獄草》是晉江文學城連載的近代現代小說,作者fishybone 內容簡介 命運是什麼?是早就已經寫好的劇本嗎?他是如星辰般璀璨的天才少年,而她只是一個平凡無奇的普通死神。全世界都知道單戀是一種煩惱,可是如果他真的能找到幸福的話,她...
《家教初代-闔上雙眸》是Yennyfishy寫的網路小說連載於晉江文學城。內容簡介 【Taylor Swift-Safe and sound】 我記得,滑落你面頰的淚水,現於我承諾不離不棄之時。 當所有那些陰影即將掩滅你的光芒時,我記得你道:“別留我孤身一人在...
him into their home. "Mi casa es su casa. My home is your home," Senora Rosa tells the cat. He introduces himself as Flynn and wanders through their house while they prepare lunch, which has a delicious fishy ...
1. Sea cucumber hair system: do not take the right amount of oil into the fishy sea cucumber clean container, soak with water for 12-24 hours (summer in the refrigerator fresh layer), soaked until soft belly cut ...