Fevre Dream(2001年Gollancz出版的圖書)

Fevre Dream(2001年Gollancz出版的圖書)

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《Fevre Dream》是Gollancz出版的圖書,作者是George R. R. Martin


  • ISBN:9781857983319
  • 作者:George R. R. Martin
  • 出版社:Gollancz
  • 出版時間:2001年1月11日
  • 頁數:352
  • 定價:£7.99
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Abner Marsh has had his wish come true - he has built the Fevre Dream, the finest steamship to sail the Mississippi. Abner hopes to race the boat some day, but his partner is making it hard for him to realise his dreams. Joshua York put up the money for the Fevre Dream, but now rumours have started about his the company he keeps, his odd eating habits and strange hours. As the ...(展開全部) Abner Marsh has had his wish come true - he has built the Fevre Dream, the finest steamship to sail the Mississippi. Abner hopes to race the boat some day, but his partner is making it hard for him to realise his dreams. Joshua York put up the money for the Fevre Dream, but now rumours have started about his the company he keeps, his odd eating habits and strange hours. As the Dream sails the great river, it leaves in it's a wake one too many dark tales, forcing Abner to face down the man who made his dreams become reality. 喬治·R·R·馬丁,一九四八年出生於美國貝約恩市,二十七歲以小說《萊安娜之歌》摘下象徵幻想小說最高成就的雨果獎。此後他不僅在文學上獲獎連連,更曾在好萊塢擔任編劇長達十年之久。至今,他已獲四次雨果獎,兩次星雲獎,一次世界奇幻文學獎,十一次軌跡獎等等。


