
你是否記得Sixpence None the Richer,是否記得Leigh Nash?

Leigh Nash自從去年單飛後,發行了專輯《Blue on Blue》


  • 中文名稱:Fauxliage
  • 發行時間:2007年8月14日
  • 音樂風格:New Age/Ambient
  • 唱片公司:Nettwerk Records


之前Leigh Nash也和Delerium合作過一次,不過作品是發表在Delerium的專輯裡面


音樂類型:New Age/Ambient
唱片公司:Nettwerk Records
地區: 加拿大
語言: 英語這是一張由 Delerium 的Project加上主唱 Leigh Nash 組成的新團隊 Fauxliage 傾情演繹的團隊首張同名專輯,於2007年8月14日(Label: Nettwerk Records) 發行。風格集成Downtempo、Synth-pop、Ambient 。
【作 曲】Bill Leeb, Roy Salmond (tracks: 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11)
Leigh Nash (tracks: 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,11)
Leah Randi (tracks: 2)
Chris Elliot, Rhys Fulber (tracks: 4)
Rhys Fulber (tracks: 5)
【主 唱】Leigh Nash
【鍵 盤】Roy Salmond, Chris Elliot
【吉 他】Roy Salmond, Emerson Swinford, Mark Jowett
【貝 司】Leah Randi
【鼓 司】Ashwin Sood
【計 劃】Chris Elliot
【編 程】Mike Hiratzka, Andy Holt, Mark Jowett
【技 師】Ted Jensen
【混 音】Gabin, Pacha
【製作人】Bill Leeb, Rhys Fulber
Bill Leeb 和 Rhys Fulber 這兩個才華橫溢的傢伙組織豪華的藝員陣容,打造了這張我們期待已久的Electronic大碟,鮮活美妙,精彩紛呈,強烈推介!個人最喜歡第7軌《Rafe》以及它的混音;第4軌《Let It Go》的旋律的曲線好生柔美,似有精靈在面前舞動一般,婷婷裊裊,活色生香。
01. All The World
02. Someday The Wind
03. Draw My Life
04. Let It Go
05. Magic
06. Without You
07. Rafe
08. Vibing
09. All Alone
10. Rafe (Gabin Remix)
11. Rafe (Pacha Remix)
Fauxliage is the first full length collaboration between former Sixpence None the Richer singer, Lei
gh Nash, and Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber of Delerium and Front Line Assembly.
Nash's voice will be instantly recognizable to Delerium fans, having sung on their hit single "Innoc
ente (Falling In Love)" from the album Poem and contributed two songs, "Run For It" and "Orbit of Me
" to the band's subsequent Chimera.
A subtle slice of dream pop that's far removed from Delerium's darker roots, like their esoteric nam
e suggests, Fauxliage are a hidden gem, waiting to be discovered.
If there's one thing that Delerium has historically done very well, it has been picking out female v
ocalists and collaborators. A quick run through of their work shows the likes of Sarah McLachlan, Le
igh Nash, Kirsty Hawkshaw, Zoe Johnston, and
longtime contributor Kristy Thirsk. But this focus on female vocalists also brought about a stylisti
c shift in the band. Where some of their earlier work relied more on either gothic industrial or ins
trumental soundscapes with more through-composed
output, the vocals eventually led them down the path of doing music that was much more rooted in the
Enigma vein of pop.
Fauxliage is their new guise (and is added to their growing list of alter-egos), and finds them fina
lly "settling down" with just one vocalist and making a proper pop album. Leigh Nash has become a mo
re consistent collaborator for the duo, having
contributed to two prior Delerium albums. And this trio now becomes Fauxliage. Those familiar with D
elerium's recent output, and in particular Leigh's contributions, should know what to expect. They a
ren't breaking any new ground here, just rounding it
out into a full length.
Leigh Nash seems both an unlikely and perfect addition to the mix. Although a regular contributor in
the past, she was no more regular than several other vocalists that could have been picked. However
, she has a beautiful, frail, and otherworldly voice
that adds a much-needed texture to the songs. On their own, they could just be more of the light-ele
ctronica pop fare. But with her voice, they become something much more unique.
The album opens with "All The World", and starts an interesting thread for the kind of record it hel
ps to shape. It's lyrically pretty dark. Most of the songs are about strained or dying love. The ope
ning chorus sings "I'm having a hard time / I'm
making you do the hard time too / I'm stuck in a bad way / And I'm gonna make you pay for it." But i
n general the music is so much prettier and more delicate than the lyrics it surrounds that you migh
t not even notice the dark undertones until much
The tempo for the record stays very mid-tempo, while dipping into a couple of slower tunes. "Draw My
Life" and the album closer "All Alone" are both down-tempo without becoming overly slow and sentime
ntal. Highlights include "All The World", "Without
You" and "Let It Go". Also in standard Delerium fashion, there are a couple of instrumental tracks i
ncluded. "Magic" and "Vibing" help fill out the offering into a full album. Musically, they stick to
the style of the other tracks and are a nice
But it's the overall quality of the album that impresses the most. Instead of collaborations forced
together through market pressures, this has a very natural and inspired vibe throughout. It's a real
album from start to finish, and sheds any thoughts
of experiment or trial run.
Some of Delerium's prime exposure in the past has come through club remixes of their tracks, fatteni
ng them up to a dance floor thump. We'll see if Fauxliage breaks into the same waters. If so, "Let I
t Go" could lend itself to some prime peak-time hand
raising. In the interim, the release is padded with a couple remixes of "Rafe." The Gabe remix is ve
ry Fatboy Slim-ish, and is a jaunty summer mix. The Pacha mix is a slower lounge-house mix, in the v
ein of Thievery Corporation, and neither bothers nor
Fauxliage seems much better than perhaps the idea would on paper. Leigh's voice has never sounded be
tter than it does here, and the Delerium guys show they're not at a loss for constructing nice elect
ronic-pop songs. It remains to be seen whether
Fauxliage is a one-off project or if the pairing has some legs. I'm sure record sales will play into
that decision, so a word to the masses is sufficient. ~




