Mark Mackay――—Everlast公司全球市場高級副總裁表示:“繼Everlast在韓國市場的成功之後,Everlast在中國的登入將進一步拓展品牌的亞洲市場。Everlast運動休閒服飾將傳統運動精神融入時尚前衛設計中,我們堅信Everlast將迅速打開中國年輕人的市場。
George Williams,BMH公司總裁:“我們非常高興能夠把Everlast帶入中國。相比其它的國際品牌,Everlast更契合中國武術中所蘊含的悠久歷史與文化傳統,滿足中國年輕人在穿著方式和生活方式上都力求表達自我的強烈要求。Everlast2008春夏將為中國消費者提供優良的品質、獨特的設計,並滿足消費者對個人風格的追求。”
Amy: 我們借鑑Everlast在全球最成功的幾個市場的設計經驗,包括韓國,美國和義大利,設計將優越、執著、獨特、信任的品牌價值融入運動休閒系列中,表達了“ Greatness is within”的精神。同為亞洲國家,我們參考了很多韓國的產品系列,我們覺得它們非常適合中國市場,尤其是對色彩的運用和圖案設計,都充分體現了品牌的傳統和精神內涵。
簡介:相信很多人早就聽過饒舌樂團House of Pain的那首超級經典單曲Jump Around,蘊育這首曲子的功臣之一正是這張專輯的主人翁Everlast,他本名是Erik Schrody,曾經是rap大師Ice T所組的Rhyme Syndicate Catel其中的一員,1990年,出道之初即以這張「Forever Everlasting」向樂壇探路,可惜當時清一色以黑人所主導的Hip-Hop樂圈,對這白人年輕小伙子的作品,真的簡直是視若無睹。之後他與MC Danny Boy及DJ Lethal合組House of Pain才以Jump Around一曲橫掃全球。一直到現在,這歌依舊是經常在舞廳聽見DJ播放。House of Pain接下來在1994年的「Same as It Ever Was」及1996年的「Truth Crushed To Earth Shall Rise Again」二張專輯,都無法達到先前的成績,而宣告解散,Everlast再度以個人名義發表作品,1998年的專輯「Whitey Ford Sings the Blues」獲得了市場及樂評的肯定。 Once best known for his tenure in the rap unit House of Pain, Everlast successfully reinvented himself in 1998 with the best-selling Whitey Ford Sings the Blues, a largely acoustic, hip-hop-flavored effort in the genre-crossing mold of Beck. Born Erik Schrody, Everlast first surfaced in Los Angeles as a member of Ice-T's Rhyme Syndicate Cartel, issuing his debut album, Forever Everlasting, in 1990. When the album failed to find an audience, he formed House of Pain with Danny Boy and DJ Lethal; carving out an image which drew heavily on Everlast and Danny Boy's shared Irish heritage, the trio managed to overcome the stereotypes facing white rappers and scored a massive hit with their 1992 single "Jump Around." Their self-titled debut LP also went platinum, but when such follow-up efforts as 1994's Same as It Ever Was and 1996's Truth Crushed to Earth Shall Rise Again failed to repeat House of Pain's early success, the group disbanded. Everlast then returned to his solo career. While recording Whitey Ford Sings the Blues, however, he suffered a massive cardiac arrest stemming from a congenital defect, resulting in heart bypass surgery and an artificial valve implant. Following his recovery, he completed the album, which appeared in the fall of 1998 to strong commercial notices. It entered the Top Ten, went platinum, and launched the pervasive Top 40 single "What It's Like." After appearing on Santana's vaunted comeback album Supernatural, Everlast began work on a follow-up album with an eclectic group of guest artists. Titled Eat at Whitey's, the album was released in late 2000, and enjoyed critical notice (even if it wasn't quite as succesful as Whitey Ford). Everlast then signed with Island/Def Jam before releasing the the moody, song-driven White Trash Beautiful in 2004. The album featured a strong country influence, but its new sound failed to boost Everlast's record sales. He was dropped from the label soon after, but Everlast bounced back by joining his House of Pain alums in a hip-hop supergroup named La Coka Nostra. The group released several recordings via MySpace in 2008; that same year, Everlast issued his fifth studio album, Love, War and The Ghost of Whitey Ford, on his own label. The album featured a cover of Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues," which Everlast released as a single.