Eve Sadof,演員,參演電影《The Hunter's Moon》。
- 外文名:Eve Sadof
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:The Hunter's Moon
上映時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
2001-5-9 | The Hunter's Moon | Pretty Girl at Dance |
Eve Sadof,演員,參演電影《The Hunter's Moon》。
上映時間 | 劇名 | 扮演角色 |
2001-5-9 | The Hunter's Moon | Pretty Girl at Dance |
《以撒的結合》(The Binding of Isaac)是一款由Edmund McMillen、Florian Himsl 開發,並由Edmund McMillen最早於2011年09月29日發行的一款2D平面角色扮演、動作冒險RPG類的獨立遊戲。遊戲的角色將在有著能夠提升能力的道具與特殊技能的半RPG世界中闖蕩。 [1]《以撒的結合:胎衣†》於2017年1月3日登入Steam。 [...
漫長的五月,經歷了痛苦的相思, A whole long month of May in this sad plight 六月來臨,他們的臉色更蒼白; Made their cheeks paler by the break of June:“明天我要向我的所歡屈膝, To morrow will I bow to my delight,明天我要向情人懇求青睞。”—— To-morrow will I ask my lady’s boon...
同時,專輯中的五支曲目《The Circle》、《Mercy Street》、《One Of Us》、《Joga》和《Fix You》請到了 Sarah Brightman 的妹妹 Violet (Eve) 獻聲,極大的加重了女聲的分量,為凝重的男聲平添幾分光芒。專輯中收錄了老牌搖滾樂團 Queen 的名曲《Who Wants To Live Forever》,冰島另類天后 Bjork 的《Joga》,...
沒有Wi-Fi的聖誕節是由和氣音樂出版,梁曉雪/張萱表演的數字EP 專輯曲目 Allow me play a sad song at Eve 沒有禮物的聖誕節 專輯背景 又名:This X'mas,WI-FI is Out of Service 表演者:梁曉雪/張萱 流派:流行 專輯類型:EP 介質:數字(Digital)發行時間:2013-12-23 出版者:和氣音樂 專輯簡介 我們習慣了...
- 對人的行為沒有影響,除了靜電電擊之外沒有生理作用。在一些研究中已經顯示負空氣電離療法在用於治療某些類型的抑鬱症如季節性情感障礙(SAD)時具有比安慰劑更大的積極作用,然而效果不顯著,這種治療需要電離許多數量級 大於月球周期產生的任何差異,並且通過使用類似的處理與亮光而不是離子發生器發現優越的效果。
that, in the back half of the book, the moving parts become unwieldy; Chabon is juggling narrative chainsaws here.The novel begins—the same way that Philip Roth launched The Plot Against America—with a fascinating historical footnote: what if, as Franklin Roosevelt proposed on the eve of ...
The Eve's toys 不錯的結局 55 A good ending 餵麵包給鳥兒 56 Feed the birds with the bread 多么聰明的馬啊 57 What a clever horse it is 難吃的菜 58 The distasteful dish 自高自大的人 59 A conceited man 怪物 60 A monster 勁兒大的雪茄 61 The powerful cigar 化裝舞會 62 A fancy ...
I konw it sounds so sad but it feels so good Got me locked inside your love without tryin Like oh So take me to your heaven like i'm dyin Cause i would leave this place only if you stood Right beside me on the edge of the horizon Like oh So pull me up up up up So pull me...
《You Had Me You Lost Me》是Eve演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Scorpion》專輯中 。歌曲歌詞 You Had Me, You Lost Me You had me, You lost me And now you want me back You *** around and played around And now your feeling sad Uh, uh How should I start it off You must have though...
Lookin' sorta sad and lonely just like me 看上去有點憂鬱和寂寞,就像我一樣 No one seems to care 似乎沒有人會在意 They just went away and left it standing there 在平安夜,他們就這樣離開 All alone on Christmas Eve 讓它孤零零地立在那裡 This is the season of love 這是充滿愛的時刻 But I...
(04 ) Happy Couple, Sad Couple 'n Happy again (05 ) The Lights Follower (06 ) 1315's Improvisation C (07 ) Nocturnal Lights... They Scatter (08 ) Just for a While (Yiruma演唱曲)(09 ) The Sunbeams... They Scatter (10 ) In The Letter To Be Vague (Yiruma演唱曲)---2005 2005....
《Spiritual Machines》是樂隊推出的第四張專輯,專輯名稱及歌詞均出自Ray Kurzweil的著作《The Age of Spiritual Machines:When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence》,雖然他們的這種創新使得專輯中的歌曲顯得很深奧,但這並不是一張真正的概念專輯,樂隊在音樂創作上仍然繼續了傳統的加拿大音樂風格。“Are You Sad”...
(九)行刑的方式MethodS of Execution (十)雞蛋歸誰WhD Gets The Egg Unit8 軍隊Military (一)傳達壞訊息Giving Sad News to A Troop (二)要求一張3天的通行證Requesting A Three Day Pass (三)荒唐的說辭Giving Absurd Excuses (四)沒牙的奇蹟Toothless Wonders (五)我的部下很勇敢My Men Are Very Brave ...
Blueberry kisses foreve-e-er When I finally go away I know youll look for me one day Oh yeah its so sad When you let love down Oh you let love down I don't have to remind you But you know that I'm around When you let love down Oh you let me down Get a little love down ...
"Die Verbannten Kinder Evas"來自奧地利的著名黑暗新古典,這個名字翻譯自英文"The Exiled Children of Eve",即中文的“夏娃被流放的孩子”, 其表達的悲劇美學.宏大的結構音樂背景使其成為廣大新古典黑暗樂迷的簇擁!德文意思為愛娃被流放的孩子們,樂隊的名字取自文藝復興時期的一部合唱曲,樂隊的靈魂人物是...
how full you were of woe,As I stood on the rising ground in the breeze in the cool transparent night,As I watch'd where you pass'd and was lost in the nether- ward black of the night,As my soul in its trouble dissatisfied sank, as where you sad orb,Concluded, dropt in the ...
Your self-defense tries to hold you back, I laugh at you and your sad life Born from the deaths of true beliefs, flatted emotions that's what everyone sees What seem to be? The death of vanity...The mask that covers up your self-esteem Is the one created by your sanity Lack of ...