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英 [ɪn'fɔːsmənt] 美 [ɪn'fɔːsmənt]



  • 外文名:Enforcement
  • 讀音:英 [ɪnfɔːsmənt] 美 [ɪnɔːsmənt]
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 類別:英語單詞


  • 1The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws.醫生們希望現行法律的執行能更嚴格。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Some economists believe that rigorous enforcement of existing equal pay laws would substantially decrease this wage inequity.一些經濟學家認為,嚴格執行現有的同工同酬法將大幅減少這種工資不平等。
  • 3Seven months and one election day later, a new conservative city council suspended enforcement of the clean air zone, a first step toward its possible demise.七個月後大選日結束的第一天,由保守派掌控的新一屆市議會中止了“清潔空氣區”的執行,邁出了廢除該項措施的第一步。
  • 4In Denmark, the United States, and a few other countries, it is trying to set voluntary standards for models and fashion images that rely more on peer pressure for enforcement.在丹麥、美國和其他一些國家,其正試圖為模特和時尚形象設定自願性標準,該標準更多地依賴同行壓力來實施。
  • 5That's because Congress has always envisioned joint federal-state immigration enforcement and explicitly encourages state officers to share information and cooperate with federal colleagues.那是因為,國會總是期待聯邦和州共同實施移民法規,並明確鼓勵各州官員共享信息,與聯邦同僚合作。
  • 6In law enforcement, we have to make split-second decisions.在執法中我們不得不做瞬間決定。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7We need to restore respect for the law enforcement agencies.我們需要重建對於執法機關的尊重。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 8Law enforcement officials had definitively identified Blanco as a potential suspect.執法官員明確認為布蘭科是個可能的嫌疑犯。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.四名被逮捕的男子被美國緝毒局描述為非常重要的人物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The parks officer nearby decides on the enforcement instead of Spot.附近的公園管理人員決定進行執法,而不是使用 Spot 機器人。
  • 11"It's just giving people information and encouraging them," Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert told CNB, "When Spot is patrolling the area, there's a parks officer nearby who can do whatever enforcement he decides is suitable."“它只是給人們提供信息並鼓勵他們,”波士頓動力公司創始人馬克·雷伯特向 CNB 的記者說,“Spot 機器人巡邏的時候,附近會有一名園區警察,在他認為合適的情況下可以進行相關執法。”
  • 12Reformers are calling for a rollback of rules that hinder law enforcement.改革者呼籲取消妨礙執法的規定。
  • 13Smoking has been banned outdoors as well as in, with enforcement by polite requests.出於禮節要求,室內外都禁止吸菸。
  • 14A sound system of law enforcement is necessary because poorly enforced laws cause crime and violence.我們有必要創造一個健全的執法體系,因為執行不力的法律會帶來犯罪和暴力。
  • 15For decades, researchers and law enforcement agencies have tried to build a machine that will do the same thing.幾十年來,研究人員和執法機構一直試圖製造出一種能做同樣事情的機器。
  • 16On the other hand, imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets.另一方面,想像一下,如果沒有超速罰單和停車罰單,當地警察執法和城鎮預算將會節省多少成本。
  • 17On the other hand, imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets with-out all those speeding and parking tickets.另一方面,想像一下,如果沒有超速罰單和停車罰單,會減少多少當地警察執法的成本和城鎮預算。
  • 18However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement.然而,法官們表示,亞利桑那州警方將獲準核實與執法部門接觸者的法律身份。
  • 19Last year, Mayor Stephens established a special law-enforcement task force with the avowed mission of eradicating corruption in city government.去年,史蒂芬斯市長成立了一個特別執法工作組,公開宣稱要根除市政府的腐敗。
  • 20The White House argued that Arizona's laws conflicted with its enforcement priorities, even if state laws complied with federal statutes to the letter.白宮認為,亞利桑那州的法律與執法優先性相衝突,儘管該州法律嚴格遵守聯邦法規。
  • 21If Apple is forced to open up an iPhone for an American law enforcement investigation, what is to prevent it from doing so for a request from the Russians or the Iranians?如果蘋果公司被迫為美國執法機構破解了一部 iPhone 以協助案件調查的話,那俄國或者伊朗也提出同樣要求,蘋果公司又該如何拒絕呢?
  • 22Duraflex clips and fasteners are the choice of the U.S. military and law enforcement.多耐福扣具和緊固件是美國軍事和執法機構的選擇。
  • 23The big problem is enforcement.執行是個大麻煩。
  • 24Antitrust enforcement resumed.反壟斷的執行重啟。
  • 25Enforcement is another issue.強制實施是另外一個問題。
  • 26Policy enforcement rules.策略執行規則。
  • 27Forms of repayment enforcement differ.還款的方式也不同。


