Electromagnetic Science(中文刊名《電磁科學(英文)》),旨在打造電磁領域國際首部綜合交叉頂級期刊。
- 中文名:電磁科學
- 外文名:Electromagnetic Science
- 語種:英文
- 創刊時間:2022年
Electromagnetic Science(中文刊名《電磁科學(英文)》),旨在打造電磁領域國際首部綜合交叉頂級期刊。
(basic circuits and fields). He has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in electromagnetic theory, antennas and propagation, computational electromagnetics, fundamentals of electrical engineering, electromagnetic ...
電磁超構表面(Electromagnetic metasurface),又稱超表面,指一種厚度小于波長的人工層狀材料。根據面內的結構形式,超表面可以分為兩種:一種具有橫向亞波長的微細結構,一種為均勻膜層 。超表面可實現對電磁波相位、極化方式、傳播模式...
Advances and Prospects of Geo—Electromagnetic Science Advances and Prospects of Solid Earth Geophysics Advances and Prospects of Seismology Advances and Prospects of Marine Geophysics Advances and Prospects of Exploration Geophysics ...
[3]Yuan, Xujin*; Zhang,Cheng; Chen, Mingji; Cheng, Qiang; Cheng, Xiaodong; Huang, Yixing; Fang,Daining; Wideband High-Absorption Electromagnetic Absorber With Chaos PatternedSurface, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation ...
其中150餘篇發表在IEEE刊物上,其餘論文發表在《物理評論E輯(Physical Review E)》 《物理評論B輯(Physical Review B)》《無線電科學(Radio Science)》《電磁波及套用雜誌(Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications)》等...
孟世旭,男,中國科學院大學專職教師。研究方向 波傳播和反問題 偏微分方程 科學計算 主要成就 (1) A Note on Transmission Eigenvalues in Electromagnetic Scattering Theory, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2021, 第 2 作者 (2) ...
2014年,崔鐵軍在《Light: Science and Applications》上首次提出用數字編碼表征超材料的新思想,並研製出第一個現場可程式超材料,開闢了信息超材料新方向。學術論著 截至2019年11月,崔鐵軍出版國際專著數部,在Science、Nature 子刊、美國...
Reducing computational workload of electromagnetic scattered fields from electrically large quadratic surface at high frequency,2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting...
Li, Il-Jin Lee, JongSu Kim, Heung-Gyoon Ryu, “PAPR Analysis of the OFDMA and SC-FDMA in the Uplink of a Mobile Communication System,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, ...
2018年被IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society授予IEEE傑出青年科學家獎(IEEE Outstanding Young Scientist Award)(Citation:For the Outstanding Contribution of the Analytical Modelling Method for the Field Coupling to Multi-...