Effective C#

Effective C#

近年,在全球信息化大潮的推動下,我國的計算機產業發展迅猛,對專業人才的需求日益迫切。這對計算機教育界和出版界都既是機遇,也是挑戰。 由華章公司引進的“計算機科學叢書”、“經典原版書庫”、“全美經典學習指導系列”這三套叢書不僅涵蓋了程式設計、數據結構、作業系統、計算機體系結構、資料庫、編譯原理、軟體工程、圖形學、通信與網路、離散數學等國內大學計算機專業普遍開設的核心課程,而且各具特色——有的出自語言設計者之手、有的歷經三年不衰、有的已被全世界的幾百所高校採用。在這些圓熟通博的名師大作的指引之下,讀者必將在計算機科學的宮殿中由登堂而入室。 權威的作者、經典的教材、一流的譯者、嚴格的審校、精細的編輯,這些因素使我們的圖書有了質量的保證。


  • 書名:Effective C#
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 頁數:307頁
  • ISBN:7111174739
  • 作者:華格納
  • 出版日期:2006年1月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 品牌:機械工業出版社



Bill Wagner is co-founder of and .NET consultant for SRT Solutions.A nationally recognized independent expert on .NET,he has been a regular contributor to ASP.NET Pro Magazine,Visual Studio Magazine,and the .NET Insight newsletter.In addition to being a Microsoft Regional Director ,he is also active in the Southeast Michigan.NET User Group and the Ann Arbor Computing Society.He is author of The C# Core Language Little Black Book.


Chapter 1 C# Language Elements
Item 1: Item Always Use Properties Instead of Accessible Data Members
Item 2: Item Prefer readonly to const
Item 3: Item Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts
Item 4: Item Use Conditional Attributes Instead of # if
Item 5: Item Always Provide To String()
Item 6: Item Distinguish Between Value Types and Reference Types
Item 7: Item Prefer Immutable Atomic Value Types
Item 8: Item Ensure that 0 Is a Valid State for Value Types
Item 9: Item Understand the Relationships Among Reference Equals(),static Item Equals(),instance Equals(),and operator= =
Item 10: Item Understand the pitfalls of GetHashCode()
Item 11: Item Prefer foreach Loops
Chapter 2 .NET Resource Management
Item 12: Item prefer Variable Initializers to Assignment Statements
Item 13: Item Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors
Item 14: Item Utilize Constructor Chaining
Item 15: Item Utilize using and try/finally for Resource Cleanup
Item 16: Item Minimize Garbage
Item 17: Item Minimize Boxing and Unboxing
Item 18: Item Implement the Standard Dispose Pattern
Chapter 3 Expressing Designs with C#
Item 19: Item Prefer Defining and Implementing Interfaces to Inheritance
Item 20: Item Distinguish Between Implementing Interface and Overriding Virtual Item Functions
Item 21: Item Express Callbacks with Delegates
Item 22: Item Defing Outgoing Interfaces with Events
Item 23: Item Avoid Item Returnign References to Internal Class Object
Chapter 4 Creating Binary Compsnents
Chapter 5 Working with the Framework
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous


