Eberhard Guhe

Eberhard Guhe

Eberhard Guhe,男,博士復旦大學哲學學院教授。


  • 畢業院校:維也納大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:Sanskritden等
  • 任職院校:復旦大學哲學學院


1994 – 1999: Research assistant in the Indology Department and in the TibetologyDepartment of the University of Vienna
1999 – 2002: Lecturer at the Universities of Tübingen (Germany), Stuttgart (Germany) andZürich (Switzerland)
2002 – 2009: Assistant professor in the Indology Department of the University of Mainz(Germany)
2009 – 2019: Associate professor at the School of Philosophy/Fudan University
2019 – : Full professor at the School of Philosophy/Fudan University


1 Sanskrit (especially synchronic analysis of Sanskrit morphology and syntax)
2 Indian philosophy
2.1 Indian Logic (especially Navya-Nyāya)
2.2 Buddhism and Philosophy of Mind
2.3 Buddhist Ethics
3 Indian Mathematics
4 History of Western Logic


1. E. Guhe, Einführung in das klassische Sanskrit – Ein Lehrbuch mit Übungen. Wiesbaden
2008/2009 (repr. 2012, 2013): Otto Harrassowitz (reviewed by I. Milewska in: Asiatische Studien, vol. LXVI/I (2012) 202 – 204)
2. E. Guhe, Maheśa Chandra Nyāyaratna's “Brief Notes on the Modern Nyāya System of
Philosophy and its Technical Terms” – Introduction, Edition and Annotated Translation.
Shanghai 2014: Fudan University Press
3. E. Guhe, An Indian Theory of Defeasible Reasoning – The Doctrine of upādhi in the
Upādhidarpaṇa (forthcoming in Harvard Oriental Series)
Chapters in a Book
1. E. Guhe, The Logic of Late Nyāya – A Property-Theoretic Framework for a Formal
Reconstruction, in: Handbook of Logical Thought in India. Ed. S. Sarukkai (section editor: J. Ganeri) published online by Springer/India Dec. 9th 2017.
2. E. Guhe, The Logic of Late Nyāya – Problems and Issues, in: Handbook of Logical Thought in
India. Ed. S. Sarukkai (section editor: J. Ganeri), published online by Springer/India Dec. 31st
Edited Volumes
S. Grätzel and E. Guhe (eds.), Life, Body, Person and Self – A Reconsideration of Core
Concepts in Bioethics from an Intercultural Perspective. Freiburg/München 2016: Karl Alber
Academic Papers (selection)
1. E. Guhe, An Indian Quasi-Fregean Theory of Number. Fudan Journal of the Humanities andSocial Sciences, vol. 12/3 (2019), 329 – 351 (peer reviewed)
2. E. Guhe, Navya-Nyāya, in: Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Religion,accepted Feb. 1st 2019 (peer reviewed)
3. E. Guhe, Maheśa Chandra’s Exposition of the Navya-Nyāya Concept of “Cognition” (jñāna)from the Perspective of Inquisitive Logic. Accepted for publication in a special issue of theJournal of Indian Philosophy entitled Logic and Religion in India on April 6th 2018 (A&HCI)
4. E. Guhe, Graham Priest’s Mathematical Analysis of the Concept of Emptiness. History andPhilosophy of Logic, vol. 38/3 (2017), 282 – 290 (A&HCI/SCI)
5. E. Guhe, “The absence of the difference from a pot is potness” – Axiomatic Proofs ofTheorems Concerning Negative Properties in Navya-Nyāya. Computer Science Journal ofMoldova, vol. 24/3 (72) (2016), 312 – 334 (peer reviewed, indexed in Zentralblatt fürMathematik and Mathematical Reviews)
6. E. Guhe, An Indian Logic of Property and Location, in: Proceedings MFOI 2016 - Conferenceon Mathematical Foundations of Informatics. Ed. S. Cojocaru, G. Gaindric. 38 – 72. Chisinau2016: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova
7. E. Guhe, The Problem of Foundation in Early Nyāya and in Navya-Nyāya. History andPhilosophy of Logic, vol. 36/2 (2015), 97 – 113 (A&HCI/SCI)
8. E. Guhe, Brief aus Shanghai. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 63/6 (2015), 1150 –1157 (A&HCI)
9. E. Guhe, Recursion in Indian Art and in Indian Mathematics. Studies in Logic, vol. 6/3 (2013),88 – 101 (peer reviewed)
10. E. Guhe, Gödel’s Original Version of the Completeness Proof for First-Order Logic. Studies inLogic, vol. 4/1 (2011), 101 – 108 (peer reviewed)
11. E. Guhe, „Being No One“ oder „Being Someone“ – Zur Theorie des Selbstmodells und seineNähe zu buddhistischen Denktraditionen, in: Die Relationalität des Subjektes im Kontext derReligionshermeneutik. Ed. Gerhard Oberhammer and Marcus Schmücker. [ÖsterreichischeAkademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, vol. 816].253 – 270. Wien 2011: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
12. E. Guhe, Thomas Metzinger’s Self-Model Theory and the Doctrine of anatta in TheravādaBuddhism. The Mahachulalongkorn Journal of Buddhist Studies, vol. III (2010) 25 – 33
13. E. Guhe, George Bealer’s Property Theories and their Relevance to the Study of NavyaNyāya Logic, in: Logic, Navya-Nyāya & Applications. Ed. M. K. Chakraborti et al. [Studies inLogic, vol. 15]. 139 – 153. London 2008: College Publications (peer reviewed)
14. E. Guhe, Der Beitrag der indischen Mathematik zum Rechnen mit negativen Zahlen.Asiatische Studien, vol. LIX/2 (2005) 499 – 507
– Co-director (jointly with Prof. Stephan Grätzel/University of Mainz) of an interdisciplinaryresearch project on Buddhism and bioethics funded by the German Research Foundation(“Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft”) from Oct. ’07 to June ’14
– Director of the research project “Oriental Scholar” on cross-cultural issues in the scientifictraditions of India and the West funded by the Chinese Government from ’11 to ’14

