ESP Game

ESP Game是一種在你不能和你的同伴進行交流的情況下猜出你的同伴寫的是什麼單詞的雙人遊戲。


  • 中文名:ESP Game
  • 簡介:是指雙人遊戲
  • 說明:你不能和你的同伴進行交流
  • 遊戲任務:你要猜出你的同伴寫的是什麼單詞
The Basics
The ESP Game is a two-player game. (ESP遊戲是指雙人遊戲)Each time you play you are randomly paired with another player whose identity you don't know.(每一次你玩遊戲時,都會由系統隨機匹配一個你不知道的對手一起玩) You can't communicate with your partner, and the only thing you have in common with them is that you can both see the same image.(你不能和你的同伴進行交流,只能夠和他看同一個圖片。) The goal is to guess what your partner is typing on each image.(遊戲的任務是你要猜出你的同伴寫的是什麼單詞) Once you both type the same word(s), you get a new image.(當你和你的對手寫的是一樣的單詞,那么你們將會得到一幅新的圖片。) Each time you type a word or phrase, you must press enter on your keyboard to submit it to the game. (每一次你輸入單詞或者短語時,你都要按enter鍵提交到遊戲中。)You can type as many guesses as you want, and as soon as a single guess of yours is equal to a guess that your partner has made, you get a new image.(你可以儘可能的猜測,只要你的其中一個猜測和你對手猜的一致時,你們就會得到下一張圖片。) You have two and a half minutes to agree on 15 images(你有兩分半的時間去完成15幅圖片).
Some images have taboo words, which you can't use; nor can you use any plural, singular, or word related to a taboo word.(有些圖片會有被禁止使用的單詞,當然你也不能用關於這個違禁詞的單數或者複數形式) If one of the taboos for an image is the name of a color, you cannot use any other color as a guess. (如果這張圖片的違禁詞是一種顏色,那么你也不能輸入有關顏色的其他詞語)If you feel that an image is too hard, you can ask to pass by clicking the yellow pass button on the lower right corner.(如果你覺得這張圖片很難,那么你可以點擊右下角的黃色按鈕跳過這張圖片) Clicking the button will generate a message on your partner's screen, letting them know that you want to pass.(你點擊了按鈕之後,在你同伴的螢幕上會出現提示信息,讓他們知道你想跳過這張圖片) You cannot pass on an image until both you and your partner have hit the pass button(如果你的同伴不答應,你也無法跳到下一張圖).
In order to agree on an word, both players have to spell it exactly the same.(為了能輸入相同的單詞,遊戲玩家必須拼寫的完全一樣才可以) For instance, if one player types "grey" and the other player types "gray", there is no agreement. (比如,一個玩家輸入grey而另一個玩家輸入的是gray,這樣仍然不得分)Similarly, there is no agreement if one player types "man" and the other types "men".(同樣,如果一個玩家輸入的是man另一個玩家輸入的是men,同樣也不得分) To help with spelling mistakes or typos, the game is equipped with an American English dictionary.(為了幫助避免拼寫錯誤,該遊戲有內嵌了美式英語的詞典的檢查措施) Every word that you enter that is in the dictionary will be displayed in white, and every word that is not in the dictionary (including numbers) will be displayed in orange.(如果你輸入的是詞典上沒有的,則單詞顏色是橙色。反之為白色)
You get points each time you agree on an image with your partner.(每次你和你的同伴輸入同一個單詞你們會得分) The exact number of points depends on how many taboo words the image has: the more taboos, the more points the image is worth.(得分的多少要看這張圖片有多少個違禁詞,如果違禁詞越多,那么輸入成功後獲得的分數也就越高) If you agree on 5 images you get a bonus of 350 points, if you agree on 10 images you get a bonus of 850 points, and if you agree on the 15 images you get a bonus of 2000 points. (如果你成功完成五張圖,你的得分是350,10張圖得分是850,15張圖得到2000分)You can check how many images you have agreed on by looking at the progress meter at the bottom of the screen.(你可以在螢幕的底部看到進度條看出你完成了多少張圖片)
The best strategy is to type as many words as you can related to the image, hoping that your partner types one of them.(該遊戲的最好的策略是輸入你能想到的關於該圖片儘可能多的單詞,希望你的同伴能輸入到你寫的其中一個單詞)
The Flag Button
The flag button should be pressed if an image is inappropriate for the game.(如果遊戲中出現的圖片內容不合適的話,可以點擊舉報按鈕) Inappropriate images are ones that are not "safe" for a general audience because they contain nudity or otherwise objectionable material.(不合適的圖片是指對一個普通玩家來講不安全的圖片。圖片中包含裸體或者其他令人反感的東西) We put a huge effort into ensuring that no objectionable material is included in the game.(我們將盡我們最大努力使遊戲中不出現令人反感的圖片) If you encounter any images that are offensive, please report them to us by using the flag button.(如果你覺得某些圖片令你感到有攻擊性,也可以用報警按鈕來報告給我們)
After the Game
At the end of the game you can see a slide show of the images that you played with.(遊戲的最後你會看到一張圖顯示你玩過的圖片) For every image that you did not agree on, you can also see one of your partner's guesses.(對於每一張你沒有猜出的圖片,會看到你的同伴輸入了哪些單詞)
Here is a web site address where you can play it.(下面是遊戲的連線,你可以點擊玩一下)


