- 歌曲:Dry In The Sun
- 語言:英語
- 發行日期:1974-01-01
- 歌手:Daryl Hall And John Oates
- 所屬專輯:The Provider
《DryInTheSun》是DarylHallAndJohnOates演唱的歌曲,所屬專輯《TheProvider》。...... 《DryInTheSun》是DarylHallAndJohnOates演唱的歌曲,所屬專輯《TheProvider》...
2. 同本義 [dry in the sun;sun]。如:晾衣服 3. 把東西放在通風或陰涼的地方使乾燥 [air]。如:晾乾菜 4. 擱置;冷落 [suspend;treat coldly]。如:把他...
dosen't t stick to each other; hard to adhesive, (same as 曬) to dry in the sun; to expose to sunlight 䵘古籍解釋 編輯 康熙字典 䵘【亥集...
(non-classical form of 曬) to expose to sunlight; to dry in the sun (interchangeable 煞) very; much; extremely; a fierce god; a malignant deity, ...
(2) 暴曬;曬乾 [expose to the sun;dry in the sun;bask] (3) 就是show 表現一下。 曬是英文“Share”的音譯,意即把自己的淘寶收穫、心愛之物,所有生活...
曬乾(dry in the sun)將物體放在陽光下,使物體表面及內部乾燥。拼音:shai gan詞條標籤: 科學 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:4次歷史版本 最近...
todryorcookinthesun 參考資料 1. 康熙字典 .漢典[引用日期2018-09-23] 詞條標籤: 文化 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:5次歷史版本 最近...
light of the sun; to dry in the sun 拼音 xuǎn xuān 筆畫 十畫 五筆 OGJG 結構 左右結構 四角 91816 倉頡 FMAM 部首 火 筆順編號 4334125111...
All of our tears will dry faster in the sun,Starting today,Shine, shine, shine,We're on our way,Shine, shine, shine,...
I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder FieldsAnd was almost drylying in the sun after I had triedlying in the sun by the side...
All of your tears will dry faster in the sun,Starting today,Shine, shine, shine,Shine your way從今後,讓陽光,擦乾你的淚珠...
6.1.1 Raking to dry in the sun. 376.1.2 Fertilizing. 376.1.3 Shoot cultivating. 386.1.4 Irrigating. 386.1.5 Intertilling and weeding. 39...
Put the cooler in the open air but not in the sun. Air will pass ...Without the leaves, food can become dry.Fruits and vegetables must be cool...
Before I dry the tears she's cryingBefore I watchyour sea birds flying in the sunAt GalvestonAt Galveston詞條標籤: 娛樂 ...