Diskeeper Pro Premier是供超級用戶和高性能工作站計算使用的終極版本。公司花費數千美元購買強大的工作站上,供超級用戶運行檔案密集型應用程式,如 CAD/CAM、圖形和視頻、軟體開發程式和桌面資料庫。由於密集的檔案活動,這些用戶遭受大量的碎片化問題,如果系統性能有稍微有點下降,細心的用戶有時就注意到這些。高端工作站固有的速度和性能由於磁碟碎片化造成性能受損而大打折扣。Diskeeper Pro Premier具備I-FAASTTM 技術(智慧型檔案訪問加速排序技術),專門為這些高端工作站設計以提供更高的性能、速度和可靠性。Diskeeper Pro Premier可對單個大小高達2 TB的多個磁碟進行碎片整理。
Diskeeper Corporation announces the release of new Diskeeper®2008, the most automated performance enhancement defragmenter ever built. New features include the ability to defrag in the most extreme levels of low free space or the highest levels of crippling file fragmentation. Intelligent defrag dynamically chooses which software engine will net the most performance gains on a given system or environment. This is all done completely transparently, in real time, tapping the full power of otherwise unused idle resources with a highly advanced background processing technology called, InvisiTasking™.
So important is Diskeeper to the world of computing that it was named among the Top 5 products that everyone should have on their computer systems or networks.Every machine suffers from file fragmentation1. Past solutions included resource-heavy "one pass" or manual approaches. With advancing technology, these have since become antiquated and replaced by more modern background processing technology. Using Diskeeper 2008’s revolutionary InvisiTasking, defragmentation operations now take place "on the fly", in real time, as fragmentation occurs. This means no performance degradation is ever caused by fragmentation related build-up—giving the user a constant maximum in speed and reliability at all times.diskeeper - 軟體截圖
Diskeeper 2008 also introduces the most powerful defragmentation engines ever developed. Even on systems with as little as 1% free space available, Diskeeper can restore performance and reliability. New engines also handle crippling levels of file fragmentation numbering in the millions, as seen at large enterprise sites with massive server traffic.
And lastly, the "brains" behind Diskeeper 2008 contain an intelligent defrag function that detects volume and system conditions (e.g. low free space or heavy fragmentation) and dynamically chooses the most effective software engine to net performance gains on that system. As with all Diskeeper operations, this too takes place automatically, on the fly, in real time. Hands down, Diskeeper 2008 is the most intelligent real time defragmenter ever built.
All of this takes place using Diskeeper’s innovative InvisiTasking background processing technology. This taps the full power of otherwise idle resources to ensure maximum performance and reliability at all times. Once Diskeeper 2008 is deployed, a system runs faster and more stably—period.
1 Fragmentation: a condition caused by users writing, deleting and resizing their computer files on the hard drive. This causes the files to be become scattered or “fragmented” into many pieces. The more fragmented these pieces of information are in, the longer it takes the computer to read them. Fragmentation is a major cause of performance degradation on computers.
About Diskeeper Corporation—Innovators in Performance and Reliability TechnologiesTM: With over 26 million licenses sold, home users to large corporations rely on Diskeeper software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to their laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper Corporation further provides up-to-the-minute data protection and instant file recovery with Undelete®.
此外,還可以計畫啟動自動整理。在磁碟分區套用了“自動碎片整理”的情況下,再次進入“自動碎片整理”區域,點選“Turn Automatic Defragmentation on or off based on weekly pattern(每周開啟或關閉“自動碎片整理”)”選項,在下方出現的時間列表內,通過滑鼠點擊相應的時間段,便會出現不同的色塊。當色塊為紅色時,表示該時間段的自動碎片整理功能將關閉;反之,色塊為藍色時,則代表自動碎片整理功能將在該時段內開啟。
在隨後出現的視窗中,勾選“Enable boot-time defragmentation to run on the selected volumes.(啟用對選定卷的啟動時碎片整理)”可選項,然後點選“Run boot-time defragmentation the next time this computer is manually rebooted.(計算機在下次手動重新啟動時運行啟動時碎片整理)”選項,單擊“OK”按鈕,即可讓系統啟動時自動對所選分區進行磁碟整理操作。
而在點選“Run boot-time defragmentation based on a scheduled reboot.(根據計畫重新啟動運行時碎片整理)”選項時,用戶還能夠自由設定隨機啟動自動進行碎片整理的日期,以避免每次開機啟動時都去執行碎片整理。