Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies

Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies

《Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies》是2007年John Wiley & Sons出版的圖書,作者是Jim Doty。


  • 中文名:Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies
  • 作  者:/Author:Jim Doty(吉姆·多蒂)
  • 出  版  社:/Publisher:John Wiley & Sons
  • 出版時間:/Publication Date:2010-11-26


中文書名/Chinese Title:傻瓜攝影系列:數字SLR相機與攝影指南
頁 數/Pages:384
裝 幀/Format:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙


Most of today's cameras do all the work for the user, yet more and more photographers are looking to add some agility and aptitude to their do-it-all cameras. Digital Photography Exposure For Dummies builds upon skills introduced in Photography For Dummies to guide you through creating the perfect shot. Using aperture and shutter speed techniques, as well as knowledge of ISO sensitivity, lens choice, lighting, and color, you will learn a variety of methods and scenarios to produce astonishing and gripping images.
* Learn how to control the amount of light let into the lens for each photo
* Features full-color examples and comparisons in techniques
* Breaks down the settings and adjustments that should be made to achieve different effects
* Includes suggested exercises to apply as you become more comfortable with new techniques The step-by-step instructions in Digital Photography Exposure For Dummies allow you to get the picture you want every time!


Jim Doty, Jr. is a landscape, event, and commercial photographer whose work has been featured in newspapers, magazines, books, tourism brochures, and online. He has taught photography at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts.


