Digimon Frontier introduces a new universe in the Digimon fandom. Five kids from the Real World have been called to the Digital World to acquire the "legendary spirits" to save the Digital World from one of the 3 Holy Angels, Cherubimon, who has revolted against the other two. Takuya, the hero, Kouji, the loner, Izumi, the girl, Junpei, the comedic relief, and Tomoki, the little kid, are the 5 Chosen Children from the Real World that have to use the legendary spirits to "Spirit Evolve" into the legendary warriors themselves. Can they unravel the secret behind Cherubimon's rebellion before his own legendary warriors take them out?
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
Mama Burgemon | Mari Adachi | |
Armadimon | Daisuke Ishikawa | |
Pidmon | 小西克幸 | |
Kokuwamon | Miwa Matsumoto | |
WereGarurumon | 中田讓治 | |