《Deep in the Indian Himalaya》是一本圖書,作者是Pomeroy, Vicki
- 作者:Pomeroy, Vicki
- 出版時間:2008年1月
- 出版社: Vicki Pomeroy
- 頁數:356 頁
- ISBN:9780615156972
- 定價:28.24 元
《Deep in the Indian Himalaya》是一本圖書,作者是Pomeroy, Vicki
Duan, W., Bahadur singh Kotlia, Ming Tan, 2012:Mineral composition and structure of the stalagmite laminae from Chulerasim cave, Indian Himalaya, and the significance for palaeoclimatic reconstruction, Quaternary International Cheng, H., P. Z. Zhang, C. Spötl, R. L. Edwards, Y. J. Cai...
棚瀨慈郎,日本文化人類學家、資深藏學家,現任滋賀縣立大學教授、人類學博士研究生導師。30餘年間每年赴藏族居住區進行田野調查,著有《The Tibetan World of the Indian Himalaya: An Ethnography of the ‘Garden of the Dakini’》《旅行與西藏與我——關於香巴拉國的實在》等。旦卻加,男,藏族,2010年赴日本...
同時阿爾特·沃爾夫(Art Wolfe)(他最新的書名為The High Himalaya)也是一位使用點測光表來決定曝光值的攝影師。在遇到與從前相似的逆光情況時,他會以從前的經驗為主,參考測光表度數,做出判斷。在天氣明朗的時候使用逆光,會創造出一種強烈的反差。對於沃爾夫來說,他拍攝的很多野生動物照片獲得成功正是得益於...
Ma, Y., Y. Wang, L. Zhong, R.Wu, S.Wang, M.Li, 2011, The characteristics of atmospheric turbulence and radiation energy transfer and the structure of atmospheric boundary layer over the northern slope area of Himalaya, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan Chen, X., Y. Ma, H...
(12) Zeng, Y. C., Xu, J. F., Chen, J. L., Wang, B. D., Huang, F., Yu, H. X., Chen, X. F., Zhao, P. P., Breakup of Eastern Gondwana as inferred from the Lower Cretaceous Charong Dolerites in the central Tethyan Himalaya, southern Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology...
另外,同樣的研究亦成立了喜瑪拉雅狼的獨立物種(C. himalayaensis)。印度狼可能於約40萬年前的更新世遷徙至印度,且與狼的共同祖先分隔。但其它分布在阿拉伯半島及巴基斯坦的所謂印度狼,仍被包含在灰狼的亞種中,並更名為伊朗狼(C. l. pallipes)。保護級別 世界自然保護聯盟紅色名錄列為:瀕危(EN)。
(3) The palaeoenvironmental significance of δ13C of stalagmite BW-1 from Beijing, China during Younger Dryas intervals inferred from the grey level profile, Boreas, 2014, 第 1 作者 (4) Mineral composition and structure of the stalagmite laminae from Chulerasim cave, Indian Himalaya, and ...
* 《錫金-喜馬拉雅山區的杜鵑花》 The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya 1849年-1851年 * 《插圖喜馬拉雅山植物》Illustrations of Himalayan plants 1855年 * 《印度植物》 Flora indica,和托馬斯·湯姆遜合著,1855年年 * 《南極探險植物》: The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage 1844年-1859 * 《紐西蘭植物手冊...
Yao Tandong, Duan Keqin, Xu Bauqing, Wang Ninglian, Pu Jianchen, Kang Shichang, Qin Xiang, and L.G. Thompson. Temperature and methane changes over the past 1000 years recorded in Dasuopu glacier (central Himalaya) ice core. Annals of Glaciology, 2002, 35: 379-383.Yao Tandong, Duan ...
Yin Jiarun, R. Enay and Wan Xiaoqiao, 1999. The first report of the Late Triassic - Early Jurassic passage beds in the Eastern Tethys Himalaya. C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la terre et des planetes. 329:125-133.Wan Xiaoqiao, Wang Luo, Wang Chengshan and Luba Jansa, 1998. ...
The Chinese Fern Families and Genera:Systematic Arrangement and Histrorical Origin 中國蕨類植物科屬的系統排列和歷史來源 The Himalaya as a Centre of Concentration for the South-eastern Asiatic Polydiaceous Ferns 喜馬拉雅-東南亞水龍骨科植物的分布中心 Problems in Indian Ferns A List of Publications of ...
Pei, S., Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz (2011), Tomographic Pn and Sn Velocity beneath Continental Collision Zone from Alps to Himalaya, J. Geophys. Res Xu, Q., J. Zhao, S. Pei, H. Liu (2011), The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed by Hi-CLIMB experiment from S receiver ...
The Eastern Afromontane 東部赤道非洲山地(東非大裂谷東西兩支)The Horn of Africa 非洲之角(索馬里半島)The Irano-Anatolian 伊朗-安納托利亞地區(包括安納托利亞高原東中部、伊朗高原大部、扎格羅斯山脈、厄爾布爾士山脈和科佩特山脈)The Mountains of Central Asia 中亞山地 Eastern Himalaya 東喜馬拉雅山地 ...
8. Qiao Baojin, Yi Chaolu. Reconstruction of Little Ice Age glacier area and equilibrium line attitudes in the central and western Himalaya. Quaternary International, 2017, 444:65-75.9. Qiao Baojin, Wang Junbo, Huang Lei, Zhu Liping. Characteristics and seasonal variations in the ...
83. Zhu Dicheng, Mo Xuanxue, Pan Guitang, Zhao Zhidan, Dong Guochen, Shi Yuruo, Liao Zhongli, Zhou Changyong. 2008. Petrogenesis of the earliest Early Cretaceous basalts and associated diabases from Cona area, eastern Tethyan Himalaya in south Tibet: interaction between the incubating ...
Ⅰ.China the“Enchanting Bride”Ⅱ.The Himalaya Sphere Ⅲ.Early Chinese Civilization Ⅳ.China-India Resonance Chapter 2:The Chinese Common Political Entity Ⅰ.Yu Created the Common Political Entity Ⅱ.The Three Dynasties before Unification Ⅲ.Confucius and the“Hundred Schools”Ⅳ.“Tianxia”...
加入集團前,Dutta先生曾擔任Himalaya Herbal Healthcare的業務主管(2005年至2007年)、Wimco Limited–Swedish Match Group的銷售及行銷部副總裁(2002年至2005年)以及多家公司的多個其他銷售及行銷部管理職位,包括Elbee Limited(2001年至2002年)、Pepsi Foods Limited(2000年至2001年)以及Lakme Limited、Lakme Lever ...