



  • 中文名:喬寶晉
  • 出生日期:1989年 
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大學、鄭州大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:自然地理學
  • 任職院校:鄭州大學
  • 性別:男 
  • 教學職稱:副教授 


喬寶晉,男,1989年01月生,博士,教師,現任職於鄭州大學。鄭州大學副教授, 碩士生導師。2011年本科畢業於鄭州大學地理信息系統專業, 2017年博士畢業於中國科學院青藏高原研究所自然地理學專業, 2017年起就職於鄭州大學地球科學與技術學院。主要研究方向包括冰凍圈遙感, 遙感水文等方向。主持第二次青藏高原科學考察子課題、國家自然科學基金青年基金項目、中國科學院重點實驗室開放基金等項目。以第一作者身份發表學術論文9篇,包括Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Hydrology等國內外學術期刊,共同通訊作者2篇,其他合著論文13篇。


1. 科技部項目,2019QZKK0202,第二次青藏高原科學考察“湖泊演變及氣候變化回響”子課題,2019年—2024年,主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目:青藏高原近期陸地水儲量變化與湖泊水量變化的空間差異及氣候意義研究(項目編號:41901078)。項目時間:2020.1.1—2022.12.30,主持;
3. 中國科學院環境變化與地表過程重點實驗室開放基金:青藏高原冰川補給與非冰川補給類型湖泊水量變化空間差異研究(項目編號:TEL201802)。項目時間:2019—2020,主持;
4. 橫向課題:青藏高原近40年遙感圖像處理與湖泊面積提取。項目時間:2019.01—2019.12,主持。
5. 一般縱向,20610001,全球變化數據匯聚和規範化整理,2020年,結題,主持。


1. Qiao Baojin, Nie Bingkang, Liang Changmao, Xiang Longwei, Zhu Liping. Spatial Difference of Terrestrial Water Storage Change and Lake Water Storage Change in the Inner Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 1984.
2. Qiao Baojin, Ju Jianting, Zhu Liping, Chen Hao, Kai Jinlei, Kou Qiangqiang. Improve the Accuracy of Water Storage Estimation—A Case Study from Two Lakes in the Hohxil Region of North Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 293.
3. Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping, Yang Ruimin. Temporal-spatial differences in lake water storage changes and their links to climate change throughout the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 222:232-243.
4. Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping, Wang Junbo, Ju Jianting, Ma Qingfeng, Huang Lei, Chen Hao, Liu Chong, Xu Teng. Estimation of lake water storage and changes based on bathymetric data and altimetry data and the association with climate change in the central Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 578:124052 .
5. Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping. Difference and cause analysis of water storage changes for glacier-fed and non-glacier-fed lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 693, 133399.
6. Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping. Difference and cause analysis of change in lakes of different supply types in the northwestern Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31(15):2752-2763.
7. Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping, Wang Junbo, Ju Jianting, Ma Qingfeng, Liu Chong. Estimation of lakes water storage and their changes on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau based on bathymetric and Landsat data and driving force analyses. Quaternary International, 2017, 454:56-67.
8. Qiao Baojin, Yi Chaolu. Reconstruction of Little Ice Age glacier area and equilibrium line attitudes in the central and western Himalaya. Quaternary International, 2017, 444:65-75.
9. Qiao Baojin, Wang Junbo, Huang Lei, Zhu Liping. Characteristics and seasonal variations in the hydrochemistry of the Tangra Yumco basin, central Tibetan Plateau, and responses to the Indian summer monsoon. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76:162.
1. Yang Hong, Guo Hengliang, Dai Wenhao, Nie Bingkang, Qiao Baojin, Zhu Liping. Bathymetric mapping and estimation of water storage in a shallow lake using a remote sensing inversion method based on machine learning. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2022, 15(1):789-812.
2. Guo Hengliang, Yang Hong, Qiao Baojin, Wang Mengfei, Zhu Liping*. Multi-resolution satellite images bathymetry inversion of Bangda Co in the western Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(21):8077-8098.
1. Yang Hong, Ju Jianting, Guo Hengliang, Qiao Baojin, Nie Bingkang, Zhu Liping. Bathymetric Inversion and Mapping of Two Shallow Lakes Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Bathymetry Data in the Central Tibetan Plateau. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2022.
2. Xiang Longwei, Wang Hansheng, Holger Steffen, Qiao Baojin, Feng Wei, Jia Lulu, Gao Peng. Determination of Weak Terrestrial Water Storage Changes from GRACE in the Interior of the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14, 544.
3. Liu Chong, Zhu Liping, Li Junsheng, Wang Junbo, Ju Jianting, Qiao Baojin, Ma Qingfeng, Wang Shenglei. The increasing water clarity of Tibetan lakes over last 20 years according to MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 253, 112199.
4. Zhao Huihui, Liu Peijia, Qiao Baojin, Wu Kening. The Spatial Distribution and Prediction of Soil Heavy Metals Based on Measured Samples and Multi-Spectral Images in Tai Lake of China. Land, 10, 1227.
5. Xu Xiangke, Hu Gang, Qiao Baojin. Last glacial maximum climate based on cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages and glacier modeling for the head of Tashkurgan Valley, northwest Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2013, 80 (91-101).
6. 朱立平, 鞠建廷, 喬寶晉, 楊瑞敏, 劉翀, 韓博平. “亞洲水塔”的近期湖泊變化及氣候回響: 進展、問題與展望, 科學通報, 2019, 27: 2796-2806.
7. 朱立平, 張國慶, 楊瑞敏, 劉翀, 陽 坤, 喬寶晉, 韓博平. 青藏高原最近40年湖泊變化的主要表現與發展趨勢, 中國科學院院刊, 2019, 34(11): 1254-1263.
8. 郭恆亮, 馮珍珍, 赫曉慧, 田智慧, 喬寶晉. 地表覆被與人口密度變化對城市地表溫度的影響分析——以鄭州市為例。內蒙古師範大學學報(自然科學漢文版), 2019, 48(04):298-306.
9. 郭恆亮, 楊碩, 赫曉慧, 喬寶晉, 李滿堂. 基於夜間燈光數據的鄭州市大氣污染暴露強度研究.河南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2019, 38(03):81-88.
10. 郭恆亮, 劉如意, 赫曉慧, 喬寶晉, 田智慧. 鄭州市景觀多樣性的空間自相關格局分析.生態科學, 2018, 37(05):157-164.
11. 朱立平, 喬寶晉, 楊瑞敏, 劉翀, 王君波, 鞠建廷. 青藏高原湖泊水量與水質變化的新認知. 自然雜誌, 2017, 39(3):166-172.
12. 劉翀, 朱立平, 王君波, 喬寶晉, 鞠建廷, 黃磊. 基於MODIS的青藏高原湖泊透明度遙感反演. 地理科學進展, 2017, 36(5):597-609.
13. 吳家章, 易朝路, 許向科, 喬寶晉, 劉宇碩. 祁連山擺浪河全新世冰量變化初探. 冰川凍土, 2015, 37(3):595-603.

