De pocas, pocas pulgas

《De pocas, pocas pulgas》是由Arturo García Tenorio、Lili Garza執導的家庭、喜劇類電影,由Antonio Abascal、Tania Bertran等擔任編劇,由Ignacio López Tarso、Santiago Mirabent主演。


  • 外文名:De pocas, pocas pulgas
  • 類型:家庭、喜劇
  • 製片地區:墨西哥
  • 導演:Arturo García Tenorio、Lili Garza
  • 編劇:Antonio Abascal、Tania Bertran、Martha Oláiz、Eduardo Quiroga、Lorena Salazar
  • 製片人:Arturo Portilla、Jaime Santos
  • 主演:Ignacio López Tarso、Santiago Mirabent
  • 上映時間:2003年9月29日
  • 語言:西班牙語 
  • imdb編碼:tt0366345


The general story plot is about a boy, Danilo, with a positive attitude and an inner force that nothing in the world can break. He has to work hard to buy food for himself and his dog Tomás, who is his soul mate. Danilo waits with anxiousness for his mother to return one day. By the circumstances he will meet an old man, Don Julian, and they will unite the joy of childhood and the wisdom of the age. Also, Danilo will meet a rich girl, Alejandra, with a life totally different from his. Nevertheless, their affection is so big that they will become a good friends in spite of the difference in their social classes.



Don Julián MontIgnacio López Tarso
Danilo FernándeSantiago Mirabent
Alejandra 'Alex' LasNatasha Dupeyron
Alonso LastraGerardo Murguía
Reneé LastraJoana Benedek


Arturo Portilla、Jaime SantosArturo García Tenorio、Lili GarzaGuadalupe Chávez、Mauricio Rodríguez、Victor RodriguezAntonio Abascal、Tania Bertran、Martha Oláiz、Eduardo Quiroga、Lorena SalazarOscar MoralesMartha Betancourt、Alejandra Gobea

