David Saffen

David Saffen

David Saffen,男,博士,復旦大學基礎醫學院教授。


  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:神經精神疾病的分子遺傳學、基因表達的遺傳學機制
  • 任職院校:復旦大學基礎醫學院


2014-至今 中國精神遺傳學會會員
2015-至今 精神疾病與腦科學雜誌編委


建立旨在學習神經退行性進行性疾病和主要精神疾病的分子細胞遺傳學機制的神經精神疾病I,II課程 (MED830017/MED130311,MED830018/MED13032)
2. 每年教授MBBS學生遺傳與細胞學課程。


1. 神經精神疾病的分子遺傳學,主要研究調控遺傳變異對孤獨症,精神分裂和阿爾茲海默症的影響
2. 基因表達的遺傳學機制
3. 神經細胞的胞內信號傳導機制
4. 神經細胞基因的誘導表達


2015.04.12-13. Analyzing contributions of common regulatory genetic variants to Alzheimer’s disease and autism, 第二屆中國精神遺傳學年會, 昆明
2014. 6.12. Diagnosis of Complex Genetic Disorders in the Age of Genomics: Focus on Autism, 遺傳診斷與優生科學第一屆西湖論壇, 杭州
2014.4.2-3. Investigating contributions of regulatory genetic variants to neuropsychiatric disorders,第一屆中國精神遺傳學年會,長沙,
1. Chen L, Jensik PJ, Alaimo JT, Walkiewicz M, Berger S, Roeder E, Faqeih EA, Bernstein JA, Smith ACM, Mullegama SV, Saffen DW, Elsea SH*, Functional analysis of novel DEAF1 variants identified through clinical exome sequencing expands DEAF1-associated neurodevelopmental disorder (DAND) phenotype. Human Mutation, 2017 Dec;
2. Tao Y, Gao H, Ackerman B, Guo W, Saffen D, Shugart YY*. Evidence for contribution of common genetic variants within chromosome 8p21.2-8p21.1 to restricted and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorders. BMC Genomics.
3. Chen L*, Tao Y, Song F, Yuan X, Wang J, Saffen D*. Evidence for genetic regulation of mRNA expression of the dosage-sensitive gene retinoic acid induced-1 (RAI1) in human brain. Scientific Reports.
4. Liu C*, Saffen D*, Schulze TG, Burmeister M, Sham PC, Yao YG, Kuo PH, Chen C, An Y, Dai J, Yue W, Li MX, Xue H, Su B, Chen L, Shi Y, Qiao M, Liu T, Xia K, Chan RCK. Psychiatric genetics in China: achievements and challenges. Molecular Psychiatry.
5. Saffen D*, The genetic architecture of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and the potential importance of common regulatory genetic variants. Science China Life Science.
6. Wang J, Tao Y, Song F, Sun Y, Ott J, Saffen D*, Common Regulatory Variants of CYFIP1 Contribute to Susceptibility for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Classical Autism, Annals of Human Genetics, June 19, 2015,[Epub ahead of print]
7. Gao H, Tao Y, He Q, Song F, Saffen D*, Functional enrichment analysis of three Alzheimer's disease genome-wide association studies identities DAB1 as a novel candidate liability/protective gene, Biochem Biophys Research Communications,
8. Zhu M, Tao Y, He Q, Gao H, Song F, Sun YM, Li HL, Wu ZY, Saffen D*, A common GSAP promoter variant contributes to Alzheimer's disease liability, Neurobiology of Aging,
9. Xu X, Wang H, Zhu M, Sun Y, Tao Y, He Q, Wang J, Chen L, Saffen D*, Next-generation DNA sequencing-based assay for measuring allelic expression imbalance (AEI) of candidate neuropsychiatric disorder genes in human brain BMC Genomics .


2013 基礎醫學院長獎銀獎
2017 基礎醫學院個人獎的優秀獎一等獎


