丹尼爾·英格拉姆(Daniel Luke Ingram,1975年6月13日-)是一名加拿大作曲家,以創作動畫配樂歌曲聞名,主要參與的作品包括《彩虹小馬:友情就是魔法》與《至Q寵物屋》。他於2012至2013年間曾三度獲提名日間時段艾美獎兒童和動畫節目最佳原創歌曲。
- 中文名:丹尼爾·英格拉姆
- 外文名:Daniel Ingram
- 別名:Daniel Luke Ingram
- 國籍:加拿大
- 出生地:溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省
- 出生日期:1975年6月13日
- 職業:職業作曲家、作詞家
- 代表作品:《Becoming Popular》、《May The Best Pet Win》、《The Magic Inside》
- At the Gala Song 3:20
- Becoming Popular 1:54
- The Smile Song 3:26
- Art of the Dress 1:48
- May the Best Pet Win 3:43
- The Flim Flam Cider Song 3:54
- The Laughter Song 1:14
- Winter Wrap Up 3:24
- B.B.B.F.F. 1:42
- This Day Aria 2:16
- Love Is in Bloom 1:52
- Hearts as Strong as Hooves 2:03
- Apples to the Core 2:05
- Ballad of the Crystal Ponies 1:39
- Find a Way 1:40
- What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me 1:57
- A True, True Friend 3:31
- Raise This Barn 2:17
- Babs Seed 1:52
- Twilight's Failure Song 1:42
- Make a Wish (Extended Version) 1:53
- My Little Pony Theme Song 2:03
- Rainbow Rocks 1:40
- Better Than Ever 1:35
- Under Our Spell 1:51
- Tricks Up My Sleeve 2:06
- Shake Your Tail 1:59
- Welcome to the Show 4:34
- Awesome as I Want to Be 1:16
- Let's Have a Battle (Of the Bands) 2:52
- Shine Like Rainbows 2:35
- Music to My Ears (Bonus Track) 1:45
- Opening Titles (Remix) 1:29
- Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song) 2:53
- Time to Come Together 2:08
- This Is Our Big Night (Full Version) 2:03
- A Friend for Life 2:26
- The Perfect Stallion 1:35
- Generosity 3:25
- Bats 2:23
- Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic 3:36
- You'll Play Your Part 3:05
- Glass of Water 1:56
- Music in the Treetops 0:57
- Find the Music in You 1:53
- Let the Rainbow Remind You 2:09
- True True Friend Winter Wrap-Up (Ultimate Mash-Up) 5:53
- Friendship Through the Ages 2:08
- My Past is Not Today 2:19
- Life is a Runway 1:58
- Dance Magic 2:04
- The Friendship Games 2:41
- CHS Rally Song 2:30
- What More Is Out There 2:48
- Acadeca 2:42
- Unleash the Magic 3:09
- Right There in Front of Me 2:5