DX-Ball 2

DX-Ball 2

DX-Ball 2是一套不可錯過的打磚塊遊戲,它有相當多的關卡及各種的加強"大力丸"與功能篩減,另它提供有背景音樂,真是相當好玩,在DX-Ball 2中除保有原第一版的模式外、更增加了背景及6種模式玩法,更有針對兒童遊戲的選擇、可將球變大及橫板加長。


  • 原版名稱:DX-BALL 2
  • 遊戲類型:益智
  • 所屬系列:DX-BALL
  • 地區:美國
  • 開發商:Michael P. Welch.
  • 發行日期:1999年5月
Game Play:(遊戲操作),In Game Music:(遊戲音樂),Troubleshooting:(遊戲配置),DX-Ball 2 Credits:(遊戲作者),History:(遊戲歷史),Additional:(關於),
DX-Ball 2,一款經典的打磚塊遊戲
DX-Ball 2, Copyright 1998-1999 by Longbow Digital Arts.
Based on DX-Ball by Michael P. Welch.
Longbow Digital Arts Web Site:
DX-Ball 2 Web Page:
Michael P. Welch's Web Page:
Be sure to drop by the web site to find out how to get more levels!

Game Play:(遊戲操作)

Playing DX-Ball 2 is very simple(簡單). Just use the mouse(用滑鼠) to move your
paddle back and forth along the bottom of the screen, bouncing theballs back up into the field of bricks to break them. Once they're all broken you'll proceed to the next level. Along the way you can pick up ndom Power-Ups, some of which are good, others are bad,and some may have good aspects and bad aspects.
If you think the game is too hard(如果難),try Kid-Mode (press the F4 key on the Title reen). Don't mind the name, it's fun for grown ups too!
If on the other hand you find the game too easy, try going for a mega high score! You can get four times (4x) as many points while you're using a Tiny Paddle (get a shrink paddle or a super-shrink),a Tiny Ball, and a Fast Ball (grab the Fast Ball power up or justwait a while and avoid Slow Ball like the plague). You don't need all three at once either, one or two will still give you more points than normal.
DX-BALL 2的玩法是非常簡單的。只需使用滑鼠將你的橫板來回移動,將小球彈向磚塊,打碎它們。當他們全部被擊碎時,你便能進入下一關。在遊戲期間,你可以撿到道具,一些將十分有用,還有一些會阻礙遊戲的進程,另外,一些道具既有好處也有壞處。

In Game Music:(遊戲音樂)

DX-Ball 2 now supports in-game music! Just hit F5 on the title
screen or during the game (you can press it twice while playing to
select a different music module). By default the only in-game
music is the three title screen songs, but you can add more by
going to our web site and downloading the DX-Ball 2 Music Pack
with a bunch of free tunes by SideWinder, or by downloading your
own favorite MOD, XM, or S3M format songs and placing them in
the DXBall2\InGameMods directory. If you use songs with more
than 8 voices, you'll have to increase the music voice count
in the config.cfg file, and due to technical limitations, 32
voice songs aren't supported.


If you're having trouble running the game, first make sure your
graphics card is capable of a640x480x16-bit display by changing
your Windows desktop resolution to at least 16-bit or High Color
or 65536 color (please note, NOT "16 color"). Most other problems
are related to old or buggy display drivers. Go to your video
card manufacturer's web site and download and install the latest
drivers for your graphics card, and then download and install the
latest version of Microsoft's DirectX. One way to find it is to
search for "DirectX" on www.download.com.
If after installing the latest display drivers and the latest
DirectX you are still encountering problems, please send us a bug
report with as much detail on your system and the exact nature
of the problem as possible, and we'll try to help!
If you're an advanced user, be sure to check out the config.cfg
file in the DXBall2 directory (open it in Notepad, it's just a
text file). It includes a number of specific configuration
options not accessible from inside the game itself.
Also see http://www.LongbowDigitalArts.com/support.html for a FAQ
and more technical support info.

DX-Ball 2 Credits:(遊戲作者)

Programming by Seumas McNally
Additional Graphics by Philippe McNally
Lead Board Design by Wendy McNally
Music by SideWinder (Eric Gieseke)
Additional Sound by Jim McNally
The Original DX-Ball by Michael P. Welch


Version 1.0, December 1998:
Initial release.
Version 1.2, May 1999:
- In game music.
- Hot-seat Multi-Player support.
- Improved fire effect.
- White sparks from invisibles.
- Better High Scores graphic.
- Hotter looking Fire Ball.
- Easier to miss Death Capsules.
- Less time required to zap gold.
- Board reached saved with High Score.
- Major speed improvements.
- Config file for advanced tweaks.
- Half-Bright background mode.
- Better documentation.


Synthetic Audio Library (SEAL) Copyright 1995, 1996 Carlos Hasan.
Longbow(r) is a registered trademark of Longbow International
Corp. in the U.S.A. Longbow International Corp. is not
affiliated with Longbow Digital Arts.


