DL/T5333-2005 水電水利工程爆破安全監測規程

DL/T5333-2005 水電水利工程爆破安全監測規程

《DL/T5333-2005 水電水利工程爆破安全監測規程》是2009年出版的圖書,作者是中華人民共和國國家發展合改革委員會。


  • 作者:中華人民共和國國家發展合改革委員會 編
  • ISBN:9787508394282
  • 頁數:37
  • 定價:18.00元
  • 出版時間:2009-11
《DL/T5333-2005 水電水利工程爆破安全監測規程(英文版)》內容簡介:This Standard is compiled according to the document [2005] No.73issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, named as Notice on printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards in 2005, This is a recommendatory standard.
During compilation, comprehensive investigation and data collection have been made, and practical experience of hydropower and water resources engineering blasting safety monitoring in China and latest research results at home and abroad have been summarized. In addition relevant authorities and experts are consulted with extensively. Then this Standard is finally formed.


