Cup of Excellence翻譯為卓越杯,是目前由美國精品咖啡聯盟(簡稱ACE,是一個非營利性的組織)擁有及管理的一個項目。
- 中文名:卓越杯
- 外文名:Cup of Excellence
- 別稱:CoE
Cup of Excellence,簡介,賽事舉辦國,日程表,
Cup of Excellence
The Cup of Excellence program and trademark are owned and managed by the Alliance for Coffee Excellence Inc. (ACE), a US-based non-profit organization. ACE works in partnership with host country coffee organizations to execute the selection process and the internet auction and to advise on and manage any other quality coffee programs that enhance the understanding and appreciation of exemplary coffee.
目前舉辦Cup of Excellence杯測賽事的國家有:
1、巴西 Brazil
2、蒲隆地 Burundi
3、哥倫比亞 Columbia
4、哥斯大黎加 Costa Rica
5、薩爾瓦多 El Salvador
6、瓜地馬拉 Guatemala
7、宏都拉斯 Honduras
8、墨西哥 Mexico
9、尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua
10、盧安達 Rwanda
2013年 Cup of Excellence年度 計畫