You think that you'll die without him 你以為沒了他自己就活不下去 You know that's a lie that you tell yourself 你告訴自己這不過是自欺欺人 You fear that you lay alone forever now 你害怕從此一個人會孤枕難眠 Ain't true, ain't true, ain't true, no 開什麼玩笑,這才不是真的,不是 So put your arms around me tonight 今夜就將我擁入懷中 Let the music lift you up like you've never been so high 讓這音樂喚醒你心底的燥熱,感受前所未有的刺激與興奮
Open up your heart to me 向我敞開心扉 Let the music lift you up like you've never been this free 讓這音樂敲開你的心門,讓你感受前所未有的自由與暢快 'Til you feel the sunrise 直到夜色褪去,旭日臨窗 Let the music warm your body like the heat of a thousand fires 讓這音樂點燃你的身體,讓你感受萬火簇擁的溫暖 The heat of a thousand fires 那萬火簇擁的溫暖 Ain't no crying in the club (Hey, hey) 我不能在夜店裡拭淚 Let the beat carry away your tears as they fall baby 就讓這節奏阻斷你的淚腺,不再任由它噴涌而出 Ain't no crying in the club (Hey, hey) 我不能在夜店裡哭泣 With a little faith, your tears turn to ecstasy 就著這殘餘的信念,收起眼淚扭轉情緒 Ain't no crying in the club 我不能在這夜店裡黯然神傷 Ain't no crying in the club 不能在眾目睽睽下舔舐傷口 Ain't no crying in the club 不能把自己的脆弱展現的一覽無餘 You may think that you'll die without her 你也許會覺得沒了她你就活不下去 But you know that's a lie that you told yourself 可你也知道那不過是自欺欺人罷了 You fear that you'll never meet another so pure 你怕,怕此生再難遇到這么單純善良的人 But it ain't true, ain't true, ain't true, no 可這不過是自欺欺人而已 So put your arms around me tonight 今夜就這么將我緊緊攬在懷中吧 Let the music lift you up like you've never been so high 讓這音樂喚醒你內心的渴望,讓你感受前所未有的快樂 Open up your heart to me 把你的心鎖慢慢解開 Let the music lift you up like you've never been this free 讓這音樂慢慢柔化你的心房,讓你感受久違的自由與輕快 'Til you feel the sunrise 直至夜幕謝場,朝日初升 Let the music warm your body like the heat of a thousand fires 讓這音樂點燃你的全身,讓你感受萬火簇擁的熱血 The heat of a thousand fires 感受萬火簇擁的沸騰 Ain't no crying in the club (Hey, hey) 我不能在這夜店裡哭泣了 Let the beat carry away your tears as they fall baby 就讓這旋律抑制住這噴涌而出的淚水 Ain't no crying in the club (Hey, hey) 我不能再黯然神傷了 With a little faith, your tears turn to ecstasy 這半死的心還有一絲信念,收起眼淚重換心情 Ain't no crying in the club 我不能再這么傷心下去了 Ain't no crying in the club 不能總活在過去 Ain't no crying in the club 不能再讓自己的脆弱一覽無餘了 You think that you'll die without him 你總以為沒了他便是末日 You know that's a lie that you tell yourself 你也知道這不過是自欺欺人 You fear that you lay alone forever now 你怕餘生會孤枕難眠 Ain't true, ain't true, ain't true, no 可這才不是真的呢,才不是呢 I said ain't no (Ain't no) 不是,不是 Ain't no crying 不能再哭了 Ain't no crying in the club, no crying 不能再任由自已的脆弱暴露於眾目睽睽之下了 I said ain't no (Ain't no) 不能,絕不能了 Ain't no crying 別再傷心 Ain't no crying in the club, no crying 別再讓一個男人把自己弄成這副鬼樣 Ain't no crying in the club (hey, hey) 我不能在夜店裡痛哭流涕了 Let the beat carry away your tears as they fall baby 就讓這節奏撫平自己的內心,別再讓淚水流下 Ain't no crying in the club (Hey, hey) 我不能再這么脆弱了 With a little faith, your tears turn to ecstasy 只要心沒死透,就能擦乾淚水甩甩頭髮大步向前 Ain't no crying in the club 不能再任由這悲傷肆意蔓延了 Ain't no crying in the club 不能再任由一個男人讓自己如此傷神 Ain't no crying in the club (Ain't no crying, no crying, no crying, no) 不能再讓自己繼續忍受這刺骨的情傷 Ain't no crying in the club (Ain't no crying, no crying, no crying, no) 不能再讓自己終日難眠,以淚洗面了 Ain't no crying in the club 該收起眼淚,甩甩頭髮大步向前了