Crying Out For Me

Crying Out For Me

Crying Out For Me是美國歌手Mario演唱的一首歌曲。



Mario出生在馬里蘭州巴爾的摩,早在四歲時就想當一名歌手,小時候媽媽給了他一架鋼琴和一個卡拉OK機,鼓勵他學習音樂,並送他參加一個又一個的才藝比賽。憑藉著柔美的歌聲與驚人的演唱才華,年僅十五歲的Mario不單是J Records於2002年下半所推出的秘密武器,同時也是傳媒眼中繼Usher、Michael Jackson、Stevie Wonder等年紀輕輕即出道的前輩之後,音樂生涯最具遠景的新生代歌手。 USA Today的樂評讚揚Mario"超齡的成熟嗓音令他出類拔萃”;而剛出道即以首張專輯榮獲五座葛萊美獎的同門師姊Alicia Keys也形容他"不僅個性鮮明,還有著我從未聽過的美麗與原創歌聲。他的聲音不同於任何人,經由時間的淬鍊,他的歌藝當會更加精進。” 在家鄉巴爾的摩的選秀會上脫穎而出之後,Mario受到J Records總裁Clive Davis的青睞,並遷居紐約籌制首張同名專輯,推出後獲得了Billboard專輯排行榜第九名和R&B/Hip-Hop專輯排行榜季軍的好成績。。 選自輯中的首支單曲《Just A Friend 2002》,脫胎自HIP-HOP傳奇人物Biz Markie發表八九年的暢銷單曲《Just A Friend》,致敬意味濃厚。
自從憑藉向Biz Markie致敬的單曲《Just A Friend 2002》邁足當代都市音樂殿堂兩年後,Mario帶著他的第二張專輯《Turning Point》殺回來了。並以新單曲〈Let Me Love You〉創下一億八千五百萬人次的聽眾收聽紀錄,成功刷新了Usher〈Yeah〉的1億7千兩百八十萬人次,榮登樂史新高,讓世人驚見他全然成熟大氣的一線巨星態勢。


It's like you caught up in a maze
You keep on going in circles girl
You're trying to find your way out
But it's time I put on my cape and
Put that S on my chest
Girl I wanna come and save you
But I'm stuck in the middle of seeing you hurt
I know when you love him
And you wanna make it work
And I can't help but think that I known you first
It's getting louder girl
I can't ignore it no more
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
And it keeps on saying
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
And it keeps on saying
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
Baby, I should've never caught no feelings
But baby, having late night conversations on your sofa
You telling me how he played you out, over and over, over and over
But I'm stuck in the middle of seeing you hurt
I know when you love him
And you wanna make it work
And I can't help but think that I knew you first
It's getting louder
Girl I can't ignore it no more baby
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
And girl it's saying
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
Girl it's crying, it's crying
I don't wanna confuse things
But I just can't keep lying to myself
When you're holding me
I can feel your pain, oh baby let me be your dream
I'm the answer, come see me
And you don't have to cry no more
Girl I can hear your heart
I can hear your heart
Girl it's crying
Won't you listen to your heart baby
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
And it's saying
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
Come on in, come on in, come on in and save me
I can hear your heart, crying out for me
Girl I can hear, hear it crying for me, for me, for me, for me
Ladies wave your hands in the air
Ladies wave your hands in the air
Oh baby


