



  • 外文名:counselor
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:['kaʊnsələ]
  • 美式發音:['kaʊnslɚ]


英 [ˈkaʊnsələ(r)] 美 [ˈkaʊnsələr]
n. 顧問,諮詢師;律師,法律顧問;(使館的)參贊,參事;(夏令營的)輔導員(counsellor 的美式拼寫)
[ 複數 counselors ]


guidance counselor 諮詢顧問
minister counselor 公使
school counselor 學校輔導員
Commercial Counselor 商務參贊
Community counselor 社區諮商員 ; 社區咨商員
Economic Counselor 經濟參贊 ; [經] 經濟參事
career counselor 每位員工均有職業導師 ; 職業顧問 ; 職場顧問 ; 生涯諮詢師
Minister-Counselor 公使銜參贊
Political Counselor 政務參贊


  • 1Listen to a conversation between a student and a counselor at the University Counseling Center.請聽一段學生和大學諮詢中心輔導員之間的對話。
  • 2The ability to relate well with their student is something a counselor should possess, not a teacher.與學生相處融洽的能力是輔導員應該具備的,而不是老師。
  • 3The ability to relate well with their students is something a counselor should possess, not a teacher.與學生融洽相處的能力是輔導員應該具備的,而不是老師。
  • 4It's Tiffanie Standard, a counselor for young women of color in Philadelphia who want to be tech entrepreneurs—but who must work multiple jobs to stay afloat.蒂法尼·斯坦達德在費城是一名顧問,她向有志成為科技企業家的有色人種女士提供服務,但是她需要身兼數職才能維持生計。
  • 5How much can a camp counselor make in total?一個營地輔導員總共能掙多少錢?
  • 6We are looking for people to join us as a camp counselor at Cuya Outdoor School.我們正在找人加入我們,擔任庫亞戶外學校的一名營地輔導員。
  • 7I'm not a marriage counselor.我不是婚姻顧問。
  • 8How Do I See the Counselor?我如何見到輔導員?
  • 9Counselor: That's a good field.那是不錯的一個領域。
  • 10Your school counselor isn't a therapist.你學校的輔導員不是治療師。
  • 11Ahithophel was the king's counselor.亞希多弗也作王的謀士。
  • 12Work as bartender and marriage counselor.調酒師兼婚姻諮詢師。
  • 13"That's a start," said the counselor.“那這是個開端,”諮詢師說。
  • 14"Tell me the story," said the counselor.“告訴我你的情況,”諮詢師說。
  • 15They went to see a marriage guidance counselor.他們去找婚姻指導顧問。
  • 16LISA: Do you want to talk with a counselor?麗莎:你想跟職業顧問去談一下嗎?
  • 17Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder counselor.物質濫用和行為失常顧問(心理諮詢師)。
  • 18It takes a lot of training to be a school counselor.成為一名學校輔導員需要大量的培訓。
  • 19"Why does he need a break?" asked the counselor.“為什麼他需要休息?”諮詢師問。
  • 20"What was Jeremy's concern?" asked the counselor.“傑里米的問題什麼?”諮詢師問。
  • 21How often you meet with your counselor depends on the issue.多久見一次你的輔導員取決於問題大小。
  • 22And this year the guidance counselor who's the Canadian.而今年的指導正好是加拿大人。
  • 23If you are getting behind, talk to your teacher or counselor.如果你落後了,就找你的老師或顧問聊聊。
  • 24Don't be surprised if your parents know your school counselor.如果你的父母知道你學校的輔導員不要驚訝。
  • 25Start by talking to a friend, teacher, counselor, or coach.可以從跟你的朋友、老師,心理諮詢師或者教練談一談開始。
  • 26I'm offered talking to friends, I'm offered talking to counselor.我會向我的朋友說,我會向我的諮詢師說。
  • 27"Sounds like he must have had a concern," said the counselor.“聽起來他應該已經有個問題,”諮詢師說。
  • 28Talk to understanding family members, friends or a counselor.多跟理解力強的家庭成員、朋友、或者諮詢者聊天。
  • 29The counselor on our trip forgot our toilet paper, bread and tent.我們的輔導員忘了帶我們的衛生紙,麵包和帳篷。


