- 外文名:Conclusion
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式音標:[kənˈkluːʒn]
- 美式音標:[kənˈkluːʒ(ə)n]
結論(conclusion,consequence,result),拼音jiélùn,意思是從邏輯學來看,結論是從一定的前提推論得到的結果,對事物做出的總結性判斷 。詞語信息 詞目:結論 拼音:jié lùn 詞語解釋 詳細解釋:從哲學觀點來看,結論是相對一定條件而言...
《Without Conclusion》是As I Lay Dying演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Powerless Rise》。歌曲歌詞 Yeah...If we chase acclaim in search for stature,Then our status becomes a vacuum draining. Opulence is a myth...
Logical Conclusion 《Logical Conclusion》是由Anthony Spinelli編劇,Jon Martin、Victoria Paris、Cheri Taylor主演的一部電影。職員表 演員表
At the last, conclusion of this paper and some problems which will be faced in succedent work are pronounced.最後,對本論文進行了總結,並指出了後續工作中需要注意的問題。The priming effect can be divided into assimilation...
(11)表示總結的過渡詞:in a word,above all,,all in all,finally,at last,in conclusion,as I have shown,in another word,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,as has been stated,last but not least,...
illogical,英文單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時意為“不合邏輯的;不合常理的”。短語搭配 Illogical Construction 不合邏輯的結構 Illogical stands 我不喜歡 Illogical Conclusion 能量流行 illogical act 不合邏輯的行動 illogical ...
deductive simulation[計] 演繹模擬 ; 演繹模擬 deductive conclusion 演繹結論 deductive thought 演繹思維 Deductive colors 演繹色彩 inference deductive 推理演繹 Ordinary deductive 平凡中演繹 deductive skills 推理技能 ...
通常只包括三個部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介紹和文章要解決的主要問題。一般占總字數的10%左右。Main Body是主體部分,占總字數80%左右。如果題目中作了具體要求,就根據題目提到的幾個方面...
想法把它拿下來。3、CONCLUSION:There are certain relationships among the density, form, phenotype and gap junction in chondrocytes.結論:軟骨細胞的密度、形態、表型和縫隙連線之間有一定的關係。
contravene a conclusion 否定結論 contravene a law 犯法 contravene the law 與法律相牴觸 雙語例句 He said the article did not contravene the industry's code of conduct. 他說這一條款並未違反行業的行為準則。 The content ...
一篇essay的主要組成有三部分,introduction(introductory paragraph),a body (at least one ,but usually two or more paragraphs),and a conclusion(concluding paragraph)introduction包括:general statements and thesis statement bo...
1.6 Conclusion 02 如何分析聽眾——未選擇之路 主題目標:人生選擇與事業規劃Theme: Life roads and career planning技術要點:如何分析聽眾 Technique: How to analyze the audience 課時 2.1 Introduction 2.2 First Draft Presentation...
Conclusion The endocytic route of exogenous antigen in DC apparently differs from that in macrophages.結論同一種外源性抗原被DC和巨噬細胞內吞後,在這兩類細胞中的運行路徑明顯不同。Scita and di Fiore discuss the integral ...
項目收尾(Project Conclusion);根據PMI(美國項目管理協會)的概念,項目收尾包括契約收尾和管理收尾兩部分。契約收尾就是抓起契約,和客戶一項項的核對,是否完成了契約所有的要求,是否可以把項目結束掉,也就是我們通常所講的驗收。基本...
Composition No. 79 manifests a cragginess and complexity that engulf the overall image but the aesthetic conclusion is astoundingly sublime and pleasing to the eye.《構圖第79號》所呈現的陡峭和複雜吞噬了整個畫面,可是美術...
syllogism,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“三段論;推論”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 syllogism /ˈsɪləˌdʒɪzəm/ 1.N a deductive inference consisting of two premises and a conclusion, all of ...
conclusion 2. parsing techniques parse::recdescent grammars parse::yapp other parsing techniques conclusion 3. templating tools formats and text::autoformat text::template html::template html::mason template toolkit axkit concl...
1.定語從句的先行詞是名詞或代詞;而同位語從句的先行詞只能是名詞,而且僅限於idea,plan,fact,theory,promise,hope,news,doubt,truth,information,suggestion,question, thought,belief,conclusion等少數名詞。例如:①The boy w...
Conclusion Comparing L1 and L2 reading Linguistic and processing differences between L1 and L2 readers Individual and experiential differences for L1 and L2 readers Socio-cultural and institutional differences influencing L 1 and ...
1.5 Conclusion 2 Origin and Evolution of International Environmental Law 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Before the 1972 Stockholm Conference 2.3 From Stockholm to Rio: 1972—1992 2.4 From Rio to Rio+20 2.5 Conclusion 3...
2.6 Conclusion Chapter 3 Searching for a Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 What is research process?3.3 Qualitative or quantitative Approach 3.4 Approaches to Interviewing 3.5 Observations 3.6 My own experience of ...