



  • 外文名:Complicate
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]美[ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪt] 




complicate e使複雜 ; 使陷入 ; 錯綜複雜的 ; 結構複雜的
Complicate Mind複雜思緒
complicate statistics人工統計
complicate parts複雜件
complicate screw複雜螺桿
complicate matter使事情複雜化
complicate injury合併傷
complicate matters使問題複雜化化


  • 1I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.我不想使這項任務不必要地複雜化。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The day's events, he said, would only complicate the task of the peacekeeping forces.他說那天的事件只會使維和部隊的任務複雜化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.聰明的人往往能把複雜的事情簡單化,而傻瓜更有可能把簡單的事情複雜化。
  • 4To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock.使事情更難辦的是8點鐘之前不會有交通工具。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Any decision taken by them now, however well-meant, could complicate the peace process.現在他們作的任何一個決定,不管出發點多么好,都可能使和平進程複雜化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6To complicate matters further, I lost my ID card.使得事情變得更複雜的是,我丟了身份證。
  • 7Just to complicate matters, there is a possibility of a post in Sao Paulo.更複雜的是,有可能在聖保羅也有一個職位。
  • 8We got lost when traveled in Peru. To complicate matters further, we cannot speak the local language.我們在秘魯旅行時迷路了,使問題更複雜的是,我們不會說當地的語言。
  • 9While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.聰明人經常會讓複雜的問題簡單化,而傻瓜更可能將簡單的東西弄得更複雜。
  • 10Don't over complicate a good idea.別將一個好主意過度複雜化。
  • 11Don't complicate you life.不要讓你的生活變得複雜。
  • 12But now I'll complicate the problem a bit.但是現在我將使問題稍微複雜化。
  • 13He always likes to complicate simple matters.他總喜歡把簡單的事情複雜化。
  • 14This requirement tends to complicate code design.這個需求往往會使代碼設計複雜化。
  • 15But the underlying data complicate this picture.但是基礎數據把這個描述搞複雜了。
  • 16Don't complicate such an easy to understand concept.不要將一個容易理解的概念複雜化。
  • 17Next, let's look at how to complicate these details.接下來,讓我們來看看如何處理細節問題。
  • 18Doing otherwise would complicate the code for no gain.其他操作只會使代碼複雜化,而並無益處。
  • 19I think that is because we unnecessarily complicate it.我想這是因為我們不必要地將生活複雜化了。
  • 20This will only complicate rather than solve this issue.這不僅解決不了問題,反而會使問題更加複雜。
  • 21Four had no children to complicate their moral dilemmas.其中四位沒有子女,因而不會使他們的道德處境更尷尬。
  • 22Constant pressure and sanctions only complicate the problem.一味施壓和制裁只能使問題進一步複雜化。
  • 23The Pakistan article in particular would complicate his life.特別是關於巴基斯坦的文章,將會極大的干擾他的生活。
  • 24My goodness but the Modern Woman does like to complicate things.天哪,現代女性真喜歡把事情複雜化。
  • 25Side effects complicate the math required to prove program correctness.副作用把驗證程式正確的數學問題複雜化。
  • 26It would complicate the Fed's job of eventually shrinking its balance-sheet.這將使得美聯儲最終收縮其資產負債表的工作複雜化。
  • 27But relying on the notion of rational investors seems to complicate matters.但是依賴投資人是理性的那種觀點看來使事情更複雜了。


