《Compiler Construction》是一本圖書,作者是Bodik, Rastislav (EDT)
- 外文名:Compiler Construction
- 作者:Bodik, Rastislav (EDT)
- 出版時間:2005年9月
- 頁數:304 頁
- ISBN:9783540254119
- 定價:542.40 元
《Compiler Construction》是一本圖書,作者是Bodik, Rastislav (EDT)
《CompilerConstruction編譯程式構造》是2001年4月1日出版的圖書,作者是ReinhardWilhelm。內容介紹 線上閱讀本書 This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2001, held in Genova, Italy in April 2001.The 22 revised full papers presented were...
Compiler Construction 《Compiler Construction》是Springer出版的圖書,作者是Mycroft, Alan; Zeller, Andreas;
3.8.1ApplicationofSoftwareEngineeringPrinciplestoCompilerConstruction 3.8.2ACaseStudyinSystemEngineering 3.9ConcludingRemarksFurtherExercisesHintsandSketchySolutions BibliographicNotes Chapter4DesignandSoftwareArchitectureChapter5Specification Chapter5Specification Chapter6Verification Chapter7TheSoftwareProductionProcess Chapte...
1.2TheStructureofaCompiler 1.2.1LexicalAnalysis 1.2.2SyntaxAnalysis 1.2.3SemanticAnalysis 1.2.4IntermediateCodeGeneration 1.2.5CodeOptimization 1.2.6CodeGeneration 1.2.7Symbol-TableManagement 1.2.8TheGroupingofPhasesintoPasses 1.2.9Compiler-ConstructionTools 1.3TheEvolutionofProgrammingLanguages ...
[2]Stephen Bellantoni,Stephen A. Cook.A new recursion-theoretic characterization of the polytime functions (extended abstract)[J].Compiler Construction (CC),1992.[3]Stephen A. Cook.A taxonomy of problems with fast parallel algorithms[J].Information and Computation,1985.[4]Stephen A. Cook,...
2016-2017 第一學期: 引進課程:編譯器構造實踐(Compiler Construction Hands On),任課教師Professor Aarne Ranta.詳見:課程安排。課程圓滿結束。數據結構與算法|Haskell 函式程式設計(東校區公選課)| 程式設計與數據結構綜合實踐II (請登錄:elearning.sysu.edu.cn)2015-2016 第三學期: 離散數學(軟體工程)|...
Conference on Compiler Construction (CC’17)5.Lian Li, Cristina Cifuentes and Nathan Keyes: Precise and Scalable Context-sensitive Pointer Analysis via Value Flow Graph in 2013 ACM Sigplan International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM’13)6.Lian Li, Cristina Cifuentes and Nathan Keynes: ...
7Stack is automatically allocated and released by C++ complier. It has more efficiency using specific push/pop instructions.棧由編譯器自動分配釋放,有專門的入棧出棧指令,具有較高的效率。8The thought of combination of object oriented technique and complier construction technique is deeply used in the ...
即時編譯(英語:Just-in-time compilation),又譯及時編譯、實時編譯,動態編譯的一種形式,是一種提高程式運行效率的方法。簡介 通常,程式有兩種運行方式:靜態編譯與動態解釋。靜態編譯的程式在執行前全部被翻譯為機器碼,而解釋執行的則是一句一句邊運行邊翻譯。即時編譯器則混合了這二者,一句一句編譯原始碼,...
13.3.7 Compiler Errors/編譯器錯誤 13.4 Inheritance and Class Templates/繼承和類模板 13.4.1 Nondependent Base Classes/非依賴型基類 13.4.2 Dependent Base Classes/依賴型基類 13.5 Afternotes/本章後記 14 Instantiation 第 14章 實例化 14.1 On-Demand Instantiation/ 按需實例化 14.2 Lazy ...
編譯器協助:像gprof和Quantify都是這類的例子,像用gcc -pg ...可以使用gprof,用quantify g++ ...可以使用Quantify。二進制翻譯:此工具在編譯好的可執行檔中加入instrumentation,例如ATOM。運行時插裝:代碼直接在運行前修改,工具可以完成的監控及控制程式的運行,例如用Pin、Valgrind、DynamoRIO。運行時注入:修改...
語法錯誤是指程式的語法有誤,編譯器或解譯器在詞法分析時無法將其轉換為適當的程式語言。簡介 在編譯語言中,語法錯誤一定只在編譯期時出現,編譯器要所有的語法都正確,才能正確編譯。不過解釋型語言中的語法錯誤可能要到運行期才會出現,而且不一定容易區分語法錯誤及語義錯誤。早期8位家用電腦的用戶界面是BASIC解釋器...
3.1.3 編譯器與整型長度(Compiler & int Length) 69 3.1.4 整數字面值(Integer Literals) 70 3.1.5 整數算術運算(Integer Arithmetic Operations) 70 3.2 整數子類(int Subtypes) 71 3.2.1 字元型(char Type) 71 3.2.2 枚舉型(enum Type) 72 3.2.3 布爾型(bool Type) ...
of Technology. He is also head of the Software Engineering Laboratory at ITMO University, Saint Petersburg. He is the initial designer of the Eiffel method and language and has continued to participate in its evolution. He also directed the development of the EiffelStudio environment, compiler,...
3.1.3 編譯器與整型長度(Compiler & int Length) 69 3.1.4 整數字面值(Integer Literals) 70 3.1.5 整數算術運算(Integer Arithmetic Operations) 70 3.2 整數子類(int Subtypes) 71 3.2.1 字元型(char Type) 71 3.2.2 枚舉型(enum Type) 72 3.2.3 布爾型(bool Type) ...
786 Constructing an Object with a Factory Method 787 Postconstruction Work 787 Transient Properties 788 8.9.2 A Complete Example for JavaBeans Persistence 791 Chapter 9: Security 803 9.1 Class Loaders 804 9.1.1 The Class Loader Hierarchy 806 ...
3.1.3 編譯器與整數長度(Compiler & int Length) 68 3.1.4 整數字面值(Integer Literals) 68 3.1.5 整數算術運算(Integer Arithmetic Operations) 69 3.2 整數子類(int Subtypes) 70 3.2.1 字元型(char Type) 70 3.2.2 枚舉型(enum Type) 71 3.2.3 布爾型(bool Type) 72 3.3 ...
of Technology. He is also head of the Software Engineering Laboratory at ITMO University, Saint Petersburg. He is the initial designer of the Eiffel method and language and has continued to participate in its evolution. He also directed the development of the EiffelStudio environment, compiler,...
在編譯器層面做最佳化(Optimization at the Compiler Level) 66 Copy Constructor:要還是不要? 72 摘要 74 2.4 成員們的初始化隊伍(Member Initialization List) 74 第3章 Data語意學(The Semantics of Data) 83 3.1 Data Member的綁定(The Binding of a Data Member) 88 3.2 Data Member的布局(...
5.6Compiler Directives197 5.7Structural Models198 5.8Dataflow Models203 5.9Behavioral Models (Procedural Code)205 5.9.1Always Statements and Blocks 5.9.2Procedural Statements 5.9.3Inferred Latches 5.9.4Assignment Statements 5.9.5begin-end Blocks 5.9.6if and if-else Statements 5.9.7...
條款06:若不想使用編譯器自動生成的函式,就該明確拒絕 37 explicitly disallow the use of compiler-generated functions you do not want 37 條款07:為多態基類聲明virtual析構函式 40 declare destructors virtual in polymorphic base classes 40 條款08:別讓異常逃離析構函式 44 prevent exceptions from leaving ...
條款06:若不想使用編譯器自動生成的函式,就該明確拒絕 37 Explicitly disallow the use of compiler-generated functions you do not want. 37 條款07:為多態基類聲明virtual析構函式 40 Declare destructors virtual in polymorphic base classes. 40 條款08:別讓異常逃離析構函式 44 Prevent exceptions from ...
Haskell語言的最重要的兩個套用是GHC(Glasgow Haskell Compiler)和Hugs(一個Haskell語言的解釋器)。歷史 1985年,Miranda發行後,惰性函式式語言的關注度增長。到1987年前,出現了十多種非限定性、純函式式語言。其中,Miranda使用的最為廣泛,但還沒有出現在公共領域。在俄勒岡波特蘭的函式式程式語言與計算機結構大會...