《Colour Line》是Asian Dub Foundation演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Community Music》。
- 外文名:Colour Line
- 所屬專輯:Community Music
- 歌曲原唱:Asian Dub Foundation
- 發行日期:2017年12月15日
- 歌曲語言:英語
《Colour Line》是Asian Dub Foundation演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Community Music》。
COLOURING BOOK OF CHINA 中國的彩圖 《COLOURING BOOK OF CHINA 中國的彩圖》是2007年出版的圖書 內容簡介 This colouring book features simple, easy-to-colour line drawings of artefacts and images inspired by China.
overcolour overcolour,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“過份潤色,著色過濃”。短語搭配 overcolour r 著色過濃 單詞釋義 著色過濃 ...up向上overcolour著色過濃(誇張)...overcharge討價過高...過份潤飾 ...線畫圖lineprint過份潤飾overcolor;overcolour臨時潤飾improvisation...
Race)(2000)《各種陣營之間:種族,身份和膚色之外的民族主義》(Between Camps : Race, Identity and Nationalism at the End of the Colour Line)(2000)《帝國之後:憂鬱症還是歡快的文化?》(After Empire : Melancholia or Convivial Culture?)(2004)《後殖民的憂鬱症》(Postcolonial Melancholia)(2004)
1.ADJ having the same colour 同色的 2.ADJ of uniform colour 等色的 短語搭配 Isochromatic lines 等色線 isochromatic triangle 等色線三角形 isochromatic fringes 等差條紋 isochromatic line[光] 等色線 ; 等色的 isochromatic curve[光] 等色線 ; [光] 等色曲線 ; 同色曲線 isochromatic spectrum ...
Labial ministry: Daub of pink lip colour can. 唇部:粉色唇彩塗抹即可。Why to eat mango to you can cause labial allergy? 吃芒果為什麼會引發嘴唇過敏?After tying labial hole, grow to be able to leave a mark. 扎了唇洞後,長起來會留痕跡嗎。Does laser take off labial wool what is best?
You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour. 如果選擇中性顏色的帽子,戴的時間會更久一些。They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord. 他們希望他能為國家的和諧而追求一種中立而平衡的政策。Switzerlan...
and i'm doing me up with a black colour liner 然後我給自己畫上黑色的眼線 and i'm working my strut but i know it don't matter 我闊步向前,但我知道這無所謂,all we need in this world is some love 我們在世上所需要的是一點點愛 there's a thin line between the dark side and the ...
follows the usual format of the series as double page spreads each covering a discrete topic. The contents of the book are organised by presenting problem and are in ten sections. The book incorporates all the usual features of the series - colour line drawings, diagnostic algorithms, colour ...
Colour pictures 彩色插頁 centre 1-6 Study Sections 學習章節 Work and jobs 工作與職業 centre 18 Money 金錢 centre 19 Periods of time 時間段 centre 20 Relationships 關係 centre 21 Telephoning 打電話 centre 22 Sounds and smells 聲音與氣味 centre 23 Computers, text messages, email計算機、手機簡訊、...
colour color 顏色 favourite favorite 特別喜愛的 flavour flavor 風味 honour honor 榮譽 humour humor 幽默 labour labor 勞動 3.英語中以-re結尾,讀音為/-ə/的單詞,在美語中改為-er結尾,讀音為/-ər/。 英語拼法 美語拼法 中文釋義 centre center 中心 fibre fiber 纖維 metre meter 米(長度單位) theat...
赫歇耳兄妹 Herschel, William and Coroline 黑矮星 brown dwarf 黑洞 black hole 誕生 birth 亮度 brightness 顏色colour 伴星 companion 消亡death 能量 energy 運動 movement 大小size 閃爍twinkling 紅巨星 red giant 紅色行星 Red Planet 紅外線 infrored rays 紅移 red shift 化學元素 chemical element 環境衛星 ...
Colour has a profound, though often subliminal, influence on our senses and moods. 顏色對我們的感覺和情緒有一種很深遠的影響,儘管常常是潛意識的。He used his influence to make sure she was not selected as a parliamentary candidate. 他利用自己的影響來確保她不會被選為議員候選人。
1.COLOR Grey is the colour of ashes or of clouds on a rainy day. 灰色的 2.ADJ If the weather is grey, there are many clouds in the sky and the light is dull. (天氣) 陰沉的 3. ADJ If you describe a situation as grey, you mean that it is dull, unpleasant, or difficult. 陰鬱...
mode,description,fashion,type,colour vt. 設計;稱呼;使合潮流 design,engineer,project,frame,plan 1. “措辭,用語,語言”釋義下的同義詞 dialectwordsphrasinglanguagewordingexpressionspeechphraseology 2. “方式,類型,種類,品質”釋義下的同義詞 kindexecutionqualitygenresortcutpatternapproachvarietylinefashionmode...
彩色電視制式(colour television system),主要指彩色電視信號編碼與解碼的方式。彩色圖像經攝像後產生三基色信號 ER、EG、EB,分別反映了原圖像紅、綠、藍三基色分量信息。在傳送端,將這三個信號(包含了傳送圖像全部色度和亮度信息)組成彩色全電視信號的過程即為編碼。在接收端,從彩色全電視信號中恢復原圖像三...
Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world. 黃色是今春時裝界的流行顏色。Paul made five-year-old Michelle a birthday cake with yellow icing. 保羅給5歲的米歇爾做了一個裹了黃色糖霜的生日蛋糕。Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground. 孩子們跑下...
士兵:軍士長(Sergeant Major)、護旗軍士(Colour Serjeant,相當於上士)、中士(Serjeant)、下士(Coporal)、上等兵(Lance Coporal)、列兵(Private)。法國在大革命與拿破崙戰爭時期,將步兵分為衛隊、線列步兵與輕步兵,但是,線列步兵與輕步兵的武器與戰術相同。拿破崙不信任線膛火器。然而,線列步兵與輕...
in a majestic hand.他見過我幾次,早就打算來看我了,但是由於種種特殊的情況,他沒有來——他威嚴地簽下名字:傑伊·蓋茨比。28He has a peculiar accent.他的口音很特別。《新英漢大辭典》29Local colour lends [adds] peculiar interest to the novel.地方色彩給這部小說增加了興味。《新英漢大辭典》
123 color/colour63 124 come/go64 125 come with/follow64 126 compare to/compare with64 127 condition/conditions64 128 conjunctions65 129 consider65 130 consideration65 131 consist66 132 continual/continuous/constant66 133 continue/continue on67 134 cook/cooker67 135 cost/price67 136 costly/...
You can add edge enhancement or smoothness to a Jpeg, or vary the colour depth.你可以對格式的圖像進行銳化或鈍化,或改變顏色的深淺。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》You can vary their width, speed, and length.你能改變它們的寬度、速度和長度。They vary in colors from country to country.它們的顏色因...
1.N-COUNT A shade of a particular colour is one of its different forms. For example, emerald green and olive green are shades of green. 色調 2.N-UNCOUNT Shade is an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree, where sunlight does not reach. 陰涼處 3.V-T If you ...
1.N-MASS A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular colour. 顏料 [正式]短語搭配 red pigment 紅色顏料,紅顏料 pigment printing 染印 organic pigment 有機顏料 retinal pigment 視網膜色素 titanium pigment 鈦白粉;鈦顏料 pearlescent pigment 珍珠光澤顏料;珠母塗料 ceramic pigment 陶瓷...
Colour is one of important Sculpt factor of painting, as well as important atmosphere method of poetry. 色彩作為“畫”的重要的造型因素之一也是詩歌造境的重要手段。Of equal importance, however, was using lighting to sculpt the car physically: its shaping, line, color, and size. 但是利用燈光勾勒...
08 clear colour 草川啟造 高島大輔 田畑昭 沼津雅人 09 forget me not 島津裕行 森義博 清水慶太 10 I'm here 石倉賢一 北川正人 石倉賢一 伊藤良明 玉木慎吾 田中穰 11 ever forever 宮崎修治 12 love 草川啟造 大沼心 大沼心 潮月一也 ...
shininess,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“發亮,發光”。短語搭配 Shininess strength 光強 Shininess Number 清晰度 Property shininess 返回發光因素的百分數值 Creating Metallic Shininess 創建金屬光澤 COLOUR FISHING LINE WITHOUT SHININESS 消光彩色釣線 雙語例句 The fifth property is shininess, that you ...
each in a different colour each other; one another eager earnest economic; economical either; neither; any; none either or either you or your manager is embody enclose enough to enquire; enquiry entail entertain entirely different from (the invoice)entitle entitled to equivalent establish eventhough...
13All colour had faded from the sky.天上的顏色都退去了。《牛津詞典》14Stars twinkled in the sky.星星在天空中閃爍。《牛津詞典》15Stars sparkled in the sky.星星在天空中閃爍。《牛津詞典》16The sky was void of stars.天空沒有一顆星星。《牛津詞典》17There was a pink tinge to the sky.天空...