《Christmas by Design》是由Max McGuire執導的電影,由Rebecca Dalton、Jonathan Keltz、Joanna Douglas等人主演,於2023年在美國上映。
- 外文名:Christmas by Design
- 上映時間:2023年10月27日
- 對白語言:英語
- 色彩:彩色
- imdb編碼:tt29392874/
《Christmas by Design》是由Max McGuire執導的電影,由Rebecca Dalton、Jonathan Keltz、Joanna Douglas等人主演,於2023年在美國上映。
..(director of photography)剪輯 Film Editing:Nick Link 選角導演 Casting:Manny Arca 藝術指導 Production Designer:Zina Torres 服裝設計 Costume Design by:Julia Michelle Santiago 製作公司:Island Heat Productions 發行公司:Lifetime Television[美國](2007) (USA) (TV)其他公司:Universal Castingcasting ...
《巴黎聖誕節》(Christmas in Paris)是由Justin G. Dyck執導的電影,由Rebecca Dalton、Karl E. Landler、Daphne Zuniga等人主演,於2019年在美國上映。劇情簡介 盧卡斯,一個富有的法國企業家,前往蒙大拿州的一個非常有吸引力的商業提案。在那裡,他遇到了羅賓,墜入愛河,並帶她去了巴黎,開始了一場旋風式的...
A Perfect Christmas 《A Perfect Christmas》是由Brian K. Roberts執導的電影,由Susie Abromeit、Dillon Casey、Erin Gray等人主演,於2016年在美國上映。劇情簡介 一對新婚夫婦準備一起慶祝他們的第一個家庭聖誕節,但是事情並沒有按照計畫進行。製作發行 製作公司::Muse Entertainment Enterprises ...
shows how to get started, describing every technique needed to make professional looking cards, and providing dozens of inspirational designs. There are ideas for every occasion from Christmas and birthdays, to Chinese New Year, weddings and anniversaries. Every design is illustrated with step-by-...
"Christmas With the First Ladies" is a look at the holiday magic that happens at the White House, capturing the Christmas decorating history and techniques from Jackie Kennedy through Michelle Obama. Each first lady's design aesthetic is profiled, such as Lady Bird Johnson's themes of home ...
《一路闖關過聖誕》,外文名為《I'll Be Home for Christmas》,是華特·迪士尼影片公司出品,由Arlene Sanford執導,哈里斯·古德伯格擔任編劇,喬納森·泰勒·托馬斯、傑西卡·貝爾主演的美國家庭喜劇電影,於1998年11月13日在美國首映。該片講述了在加州就學的傑科在父親以保時捷車利誘下,他打消出國度假的計畫,準備...
服裝設計 Costume Design by:Carla Shivener 副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director:Micah Barnard ...second assistant director Andrew Hummel ...second second assistant director Jason Stafford ...first assistant director 上映時間 國家/地區上映/發行日期(細節)美國USA2010年10月...(DVD premiere)西班牙Spain...
Dean Taylor…Christmas Caroler Nan McElroy…Christmas Caroler Mary K.F. Packer-P..…Rehab Counselor Jeannie E. Davis…Rehab Counselor Laura Griffin…Rehab Counselor Robb Harleston…Rehab Counselor Rachel C. MacRae…Rehab Counselor Susan T. Haidary…Rehab Counselor Carl Cunningham…Busboy in Bar (...
簡介:It is Christmas time at Hollywood Arts and Sikowitz assigns the gang as Secret Santas to one another in order to get them into the Christmas Spirit. The person who give the worst gift will be forced to go "Christmas Yodeling" with Sikowitz on Christmas Eve. Tori struggles to find ...
The Christmas Song Silent Night Winter Moon (With Puppet Friends)(五)Pocketful of Poetry 語言:英語 流派:Rock 發行時間:2013-09-10 歌曲目錄:Pocketful of Poetry Trouble No More I Take Flight Little Red Bike Oh No!Picture Show Shadow Children Honey Finding Home Bedtime Song Pocketful of Poetry...
Firstly,their attitude toward work. As it is shown in the video clip, James, the ownerof Adam & Eve, has been working for 14 months to design John Lewis’s Christmas campaign. They tried many times to express John Lewis’s brand value. Although the first proposal was failed by Goose, ...
of your choice. It's fun and simple: Choose a card design, take a photo or select one from your gallery and place your smiley face into the hole. This collection contains 12 beautiful Christmas greeting cards to pick from. The greeting cards published by Melon Mobile are created by ...
NG Nigeria紐埃 NU Niue挪威 NO Norway帛琉 PW Palau皮特開恩群島 PN Pitcairn Islands葡萄牙 PT Portugal日本 JP Japan瑞典 SE Sweden瑞士 CH Switzerland薩爾瓦多 SV El Salvador獅子山 SL Sierra leone塞內加爾 SN Senegal賽普勒斯 CY Cyprus塞席爾 SC Seychelles沙烏地阿拉伯 SA Saudi Arabia聖誕島 CX Christmas Island...
美術設計Art Direction by James Cordeiro- (unknown episodes)Mark Soparlo- (unknown episodes)Greg Venturi- (unknown episodes)服裝設計Costume Design by Cynthia Ann Summers- (30 episodes, 2002-2005)副導演/助理導演Assistant Director Sara Irvine- third assistant director/ second assistant director (64 ...
VIDEO CASE: Christmas Toys Strategy and Planning RadioShack Has the Answers Strategy and Planning Strategic Planning: Making Intelligent Decisions, The Business Plan,The Marketing Plan Marketing Objectives Marketing Problems and Opportunities, Selecting Target Markets Marketing Strategies Executing Plans ...
Burning the Christmas Greens The Dance The Descent To Daphne and Virginia The Snow Begins 8.埃茲拉·龐德 Salutation A Pact The Rest In a Station of the Metro L' Art,1910 The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley: Life and Contacts From The Cantos 9.T.S.艾略特 ...
聖誕頌歌/A Christmas Carol(2009) 聖誕頌歌 A Christmas Carol 鬼媽媽/Coraline(2009) 鬼媽媽 Coraline 了不起的狐狸爸爸/The Fantastic Mr. Fox(2009) 了不起的狐狸爸爸 The Fantastic Mr. Fox 冰川時代3/Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs(2009) 冰川時代3 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 飛屋環遊記/Up...
He welcomed the truce, but pointed out it was of little comfort to families spending Christmas without a loved one. 他歡迎休戰,但指出這對於沒有親人共度聖誕節的家庭並無多少安慰。In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped, but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer...
10 How The Grinch Stole Christmas 11 Hunches in Bunches 12 If I Ran the Circus 13 If I Ran the Zoo 14 Mr.Brown Can Moo! Can You?15 Oh, the Places You'll Go!16 One Fish,Two Fish,Red Fish,Blue Fish 17 Scrambled Eggs Super 18 And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street 19...
We scheduled it and we get it and my dad and my sister would help trim the Christmas tree. 我們先做安排然後實踐,爸爸和姐姐會幫忙修剪聖誕樹。Only if non-OPEC nations, including Norway, Mexico, and Russia, were to trim output by a total of 500,000 barrels a day. 除非挪威、墨西哥和...
Princess Tales from Around the World, A Treasury of Mermaids: Mermaid Tales from Around the World, and Someone Saw a Spider: Spider Facts and Folktales, an NCTE Teacher's Choice and Library of Congress Best Children's Book that was originally inspired by her research for Cobweb Christmas. Mr...
The supermarket, Christmas time She eyes someone who doesn't have the change Takes a dollar from her purse She pays and doesn't say a word She winks and grins and ‘Merry Christmas, friend!'Thank you Louise Thank you Louise Mother of three In Baltimore, the freezing cold,...
For the song "My Christmas Wish".Outstanding Individual Achievements - Classical Music/Dance Programming 獲獎 偉大的表演 Great Performances,佛朗哥·澤菲雷里 Franco Zeffirelli(director)For episode "Cavalleria Rusticana".最佳兒童節目 Outstanding Children's Program 獲獎 清秀佳人 Anne of Green Gables Ian Mc...
《好萊塢廣場》,《The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion》,《The John Davidson Christmas Special》,《The Paul Lynde Halloween Special》,《卡洛爾·伯納特秀》合作作品(5):《好萊塢廣場》,《The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion》,《我為卿狂》,《Carol Burnett & Company》,《卡洛爾·伯納特秀》合作作品...
服裝設計 Costume Design by Denise Hajjar 副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director Benjamin C. Dewey- first assistant director Amanda Hannan- second assistant director Borjan Jovanovich- second second assistant director Zachary May- second assistant director: reshoots Patrick McMahill- second second assistant ...
《The Santa Squad》是由John Bradshaw執導的電影,由Aaron Ashmore、Rebecca Dalton、Michael Therriault等人主演,於2020年在美國上映。劇情簡介 艾麗是一名失業的藝術教師,她不得不接受聖誕老人小組的一份工作,幫助富有的鰥夫戈登和他的兩個寶貝女兒重新發現聖誕節的魔力。製作發行 製作公司:Reel One Pictures ...