Chinese dreams of foreign experts

Chinese dreams of foreign experts

《Chinese dreams of foreign experts》是2019年五洲傳播出版社出版的圖書。


  • 中文名:Chinese dreams of foreign experts
  • 作者:《外國專家中國夢》編委會
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508538686


近年來,中國為對接國內科技創新需求、引進更多的海外高層次人才創造了更加有利的條件。在中國工作的外國專家已經成為中國現代化建設的一支重要力量,他們為中國的經濟和社會發展揮灑著熱血與汗水。他們是中外文化交流的友誼使者,向世界各國介紹了一個真實而多彩的中國。本書精選25篇文章,介紹外國專家在中國的工作和生活、成就和貢獻,介紹我國開放、包容的引才引智政策和良好創新創業環境,講好中國故事、傳播好中國聲音,為新中國成立70周年獻禮。In recent years, China provided a better platform to match the international talent with domestic needs. Foreign experts who work in China are close friends to Chinese people and theyserve an important pillar of the China’s modernization.They spare no efforts in contributing to China’s economic and social development. By introducing a real and colorful China to foreign countries, the foreign experts serve as the bridge which links China and the world. We have selected 25 articles from the International Talent magazine in the past five years. The book introduces foreign experts’ work, life, achievements and contributions in China. It presents an open and inclusive policy of talents and intellects introduction of China, showcasing a preferential environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. It serves as the tribute of the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.


《外國專家中國夢》編委會,由來自外國專家局及《國際人才交流》雜誌的專家組成。Editorial Board of the book Chinese Dreams of Foreign Experts, the members from the Stated Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the International Talent magazine.

