ronment是由中國可持續發展研究會主辦,在山東省濟南市出版的英文刊物。主要欄目有Features、Articles、Reports、News/Watch/UN Actions。
- 中文名:中國人口.資源與環境
- 外文名:Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment
- 主辦單位:中國可持續發展研究會
- 出刊周期:季刊
ronment是由中國可持續發展研究會主辦,在山東省濟南市出版的英文刊物。主要欄目有Features、Articles、Reports、News/Watch/UN Actions。
Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment期刊簡介 編輯 出版地:山東省濟南市語言種類:英文國際標準刊號:1004-2857國內統一刊號:37-1202/N...
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment.21. Cheng Y., Wang J., Rosenberg M. 2012.Spatial access to residential care resources in Beijing,...
Chinese Journal of Population,Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment,2008,6(4):65~71 著作 1.獨撰: 不確定與不可逆條件下農地城市流轉的外部...
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment,2005(4):59-63. [7]李福柱、丁四保. 東北老工業基地科技人才環境建設研究[J]. 科技進步與對策,2005(5...
8、Strategic Thinking for Sustainable Development of Mining-Based Cities.Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment Vol.2. 2004.9.9、礦業城市...
2、Negotiation System of Ecological Compensation of Water Source Areas.Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment,2010,4.3、水源地生態補償機制的...
參與國家自然科學基金2項,江蘇省高校自然科學基金項目1項,為Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment、南京農業大學學(報社科學版)等國內外核心期刊的...
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources & Environment. 2008/6 (1)21) 流域環境保護與均衡發展的矛盾及其對策探析[J],環境科學學報2008/28(1)...
已在《管理世界》、《地理科學》、《農業工程學報》、《Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment》等學術期刊上發表論文50餘篇,著作多部。曾獲...
《Mathematical and Computer Modelling》、《Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment》、《數量經濟技術經濟研究》、《系統工程理論與實踐》、《華東...
3. Song Z, et al.Green and compatible industrial development in Western China. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2014....
Double dividend of carbon intensity: environmental-quality improvement and sustainable economic growth,Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment,2015,...
《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》,2005,3(4):18~23.2.王耕,吳偉. 基於GIS的西遼河流域生態安全空間分異特徵,《環境科學》,2005,26...
先後主持,合作完成FA0、省、部級以上研究項目多項,出版專著一部,先後在《EcologicEconomy》,《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》、《ACTA ...
Economic Globalization and Industrial Pollution 周力 應瑞瑤 Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment 2008(6)。基於SIS傳染病模型的農村剩餘勞動力...
Urban Energy Efficiency from Cities in China and Policy Implications (with Z.Li and G.P.Li), Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, ...
design of China's ETS pilots:Allowanceallocation,price mechanism and state-owned”,Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment, Vol 11, pp 26-...
l Impact Factors of Energy Productivity in China: An Empirical Analysis, Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, June 2007 Volume 5, No.2...
《中國人口·資源與環境》(中文刊)和 Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment(英文刊)是科技部主管,由中國可持續發展研究會、山東省可持續發展研究...
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 2010, 8(2):32-39. [2] 參考資料 1. 西南大學資源環境學院土地資源管理系講師 .西南大學資源環境...
7. Paired border towns or TwinCities from Finland and China,Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment2008年第1期,2位。8. 成都國際旅遊行銷的...
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 主管單位 科技部 主辦單位 中國可持續發展研究會等 出版周期 季刊 國內刊號 37-1202/N 國際刊號 ...
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment,2015, in press.4. 1757年運城鹽池洪水與製鹽方法的革新.中國歷史地理論叢, 2014, (4), 20-25....
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 2008, 5(2): 1-7 Guo Liying, Ren Zhiyuan, Liu Yansui. The causes of land landscape changes...
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 2006,14(4): 11-19。WANG Hongrui, YE Letian, LIU Changming, YANG Chi, LIU Peng, Problems in...