Chan\x27s The Man

Chan\x27s The Man

《Chan's The Man》是歌手Wheatus於專輯《Jackie Chan Adventures》發布的歌曲。與《Jackie Chan Adventure Intro Theme》專輯收錄在《Jackie Chan Adventures》中,曾是《成龍歷險記》片尾曲


  • 外文名:Chan's The Man
  • 所屬專輯:Jackie Chan Adventures
  • 歌曲時長:0時3分7秒 
  • 音樂風格:Soundtrack 
  • 發行日期:2005年7月7日 
  • 歌曲語言:英語 
  • 前作Punk Ass Bitch


Fights only if he has to
Chan runs never gets a chance to
Searching for the talismans
Beating down the dark hand
His niece's name is Jade
And she knows she got a maid
'Cause he's the man he can do
Excatly what he has to
He'll win just with his hands
You know Chan's got a plan
He never can be beat
Always landing on his feet
Protects his Uncle and niece
From Shadowkhan and deadbeats
Yet he would rather laugh than fight
It's wrong or right
You gotta like him
Jackie Chan
Where's the talisman
You got to find it now
You always do somehow
Fights only if he has to
Chan runs never gets a chance to
Searching for the talismans
Beating down the dark hand
He'll win just with his hands
You know Chan's got a plan
He never can be beat
Always landing on his feet
Protects his Uncle and niece
From Shadowkhan and deadbeats
Yet he would rather laugh than fight
It's wrong or right
You gotta like him
Jackie Chan


