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  • 外文名:Celestial
  • 英式音標:[səˈlestiəl]
  • 美式音標:[səˈlestʃ(ə)l]
  • 詞性:形容詞


英 [səˈlestiəl] 美 [səˈlestʃ(ə)l]
adj. 天空的,天上的;天國的,天堂的;精美絕倫的


celestial equator 天球赤道 ; 天赤道 ; 天體赤道 ; 天〉天赤道
celestial mechanics 天體力學
celestial sphere [流] [天] 天球 ; [天] 天體 ; 附於眾星天 ; 渾天
celestial pole 黃極 ; 天上的
Celestial Movies 天映頻道 ; 天映電影頻道
celestial pole 北極(亦稱天頂;地球的兩極之一)


  • Tulips actually hail from an area that Chinese call the Celestial Mountains in Central Asia. 鬱金香實際上來自位於中亞、中國人稱為“天山”的地區。
  • Galileo's observations of Jupiter's satellites showed that the Ptolemaic theory of the motion of celestial bodies is false. 伽利略對木星衛星的觀察表明,托勒密關於天體運動的理論是錯誤的。
  • Prayer can add to your joy a celestial perfume. 禱告能在你的歡樂上替你加上一陣屬天的香味。
  • Official guardian of celestial terminology the IAU may be. 天體術語的官方捍衛者可能還得由國際天文學會來擔當。
  • It is the symbol of celestial 8 and the Uranus symbol with integer of 4. 象徵天體的8與象徵天王星的4。
  • Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding. 背彈琵琶﹐仙音嘹揚。
  • In 2002, astronomers witnessed one of the strangest celestial events ever. 2002年,天文學家見證了史上最奇怪的天文現象之一。
  • the planets, Earth included, orbit around the sun on this celestial sheet. 括地球在內)都沿著軌道繞著太陽公轉。這代表太陽系平面,學名“黃道”。
  • So, I want to tell you a bit about Kepler's second law of celestial mechanics. 因此我想告訴你們,一些關於克卜勒第二定律的知識。
  • In Ruan Gao's "Fairies of the Celestial Realm," there are also evident changes. 而阮高的“天界仙女圖”變化很大。
  • This meeting has addressed yet another level - the celestial level - of ambition. 本次會議還是一次充滿雄心目標的會議。
  • He would hear and sing those songs to others inapprehensible, the celestial music. 他會聽也會唱那些人們不能理解的歌曲:,天國的音樂。
  • While Hubble pictures of celestial objects are awe-inspiring, they are flat 2-d photographs. 哈勃拍的天體照片讓人驚嘆,但它們是二維的。
  • But if China embraced some of them for itself, who can guess at the limits to its celestial realm? 不過如果中國能夠自己親身接受一些的話,誰又能猜到“天國”的極限呢?
  • So, let's talk about the Stonehenge significance to these upcoming Celestial and Planetary events. 所以,讓我們談談巨石陣的重要性,對於這些即將來臨的天上的和行星層面的事件。
  • Macrocosm and microcosm are recreated, both the celestial sphere and molecular and crystalline forms. 巨觀宇宙和微觀宇宙都得到重建,無論是天球或是分子和晶體都開始顯形。
  • The kind as kind cannot be perceived: the laws of the celestial motions are not written on the sky. 類作為類是不能被知覺的,星球運動的規律並不是寫在天上的。
  • The pact arranging this is even being viewed as a model applicable to the moon and other celestial bodies. 這個公約甚至被視為一個範本,適用於月球和其他天體的開發。
  • This revealed there to be 14 types of nose, with classifications ranging from 'fleshy' to 'celestial'. 他發現有14種鼻子類型,比如“肉鼻子”、“朝天鼻”等等。最常見的是“肉鼻子”,尤其在男性中常見。
  • Just another night watching the stars rotate around the southern celestial pole at la Silla Observatory. 看著星星圍繞南天極旋轉,又一個拉西亞天文台的不眠之夜。
  • And ahead of the celestial event, the nation's top doctor has advised Britons to take proper precautions. 在觀賞這個天文景象之前,英國頂級醫生建議英國人必須做好正確的預防。
  • The souls of gods reach the summit, go outside and stand upon the surface of heaven, and enjoy celestial bliss. 諸神的靈魂達到了頂峰,走到外面,並站在天堂的表層,享受著天上的極樂世界。
  • The celestial grouping is seen here just before sunrise on May 5, from a beach near Buenos Aires, Argentina. 你所看到的這星際的組合發生在5月5日日出之前,拍攝於阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯附近的海灘上。
  • And he indicated that there are only a few just men, just, honorable men who can even hear those celestial notes. 他指出只有少數正直的人,可敬的人可以聽到那些天國的音符。
  • The biggest costs - and risks - associated with visiting other celestial bodies are from landing and taking off again. 與造訪其他天體有關的最大成本以及風險來自著陸和再次起飛。
  • Humans have sent many missions, both manned and robotic, beyond our planet to explore our neighboring celestial bodies. 人類已經向太空發射了許多載人的和遙控的飛行器,用來探索地球之外的臨近天體。
  • Shooting of the celestial bodies may be divided into two types: shooting with the static camera and shooting with follow. 天體的拍攝可以分作兩類:一個是靜止攝像,一個是跟蹤拍攝。
  • Contributing to the beautiful composition, meteor streak and church apex both gesture toward the North Celestial Pole. 流星尾跡和教堂塔尖都指向北極星,真是美不勝收。


