

Cater,英文單詞,名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“ (Cater)人名;(英)凱特”,作動詞時意為“投合,迎合;滿足需要;提供飲食及服務”。


  • 外文名:Cater
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞




Vince Cater 打老虎屁股 ; 文斯·卡特
Sharon Cater 莎倫·卡特
cater cousin 遠房兄弟
Beverly Cater 標籤
Cater Diana 名稱
Cater wear 凹陷磨耗
cater angle 自動車的
Frances Cater 標籤


  • 1They only publish novels which cater to the mass-market.他們只出版迎合大眾市場的小說。《牛津詞典》
  • 2In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism.在當代西方世界,快速變換著的款式迎合了人們對新奇和獨特性的追求。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The university started some new language programs to cater for the country's Silk Road Economic Belt.為了迎合中國絲綢之路經濟帶的需要,這所大學開設了一些新的語言課程。
  • 4Sprint Nextel has reconceived its Virgin Mobile brand to cater to heavy texters in a difficult economy.Sprint Nextel 重新設計了其 Virgin Mobile 品牌,以迎合經濟困難時期重度依賴簡訊的用戶的需求。
  • 5There is no need for us to cater to the expectations of our parents, instead, we should ask ourselves what we want.我們沒必要迎合父母的期待,相反,我們應該問一問自己我們想要的是什麼。
  • 6The clubs cater for the enthusiasts, with some computer knowledge already, who get together and eventually form an expert computer group.這些俱樂部迎合了已經有一些計算機知識的愛好者,他們聚在一起,最終形成了一個計算機專家小組。
  • 7I personally regret this development, but the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.我個人對這種發展感到遺憾,但是基礎學士教育現在必須迎合那些真正需要一紙學位證書來找到一份體面工作的人。
  • 8In order to cater to his Sichuan guests' taste, Ding Baozhen improved his favorite "stir-fried diced chicken" by putting chili pepper into the ingredients.為了迎合四川客人的口味,丁寶楨改進了他最喜歡的“爆炒雞丁”,在原料中加入了辣椒。
  • 9We cater to an exclusive clientele.我們滿足一個特殊客戶群的需求。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10Does the school cater to all abilities?這所學校滿足各水平才能的人嗎?《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.訓練課照顧到各種健康狀況。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.我們的計畫必須能夠變通,以滿足每個人的需要。《牛津詞典》
  • 13It should cater to the needs of individual children.它應該滿足兒童個體的需求。
  • 14They cater to students from different family backgrounds.他們服務於來自不同家庭背景的學生。
  • 15The service industry, by definition, exists to cater to others' needs.服務業,顧名思義,是為了滿足他人的需要而存在的。
  • 16The university started some new language programs to cater for China's Silk Road Economic Belt.這所大學為中國的絲綢之路經濟帶開設了一些新的語言專業。
  • 17Schools in our city provide a variety of optional classes to cater to students of different levels.我們市裡的學校提供各式各樣的選修課,以滿足不同水平的學生。
  • 18The hotel called, saying that because of a scheduling error, they won't be able to cater for our banquet.酒店打來電話,說由於日程安排錯誤,他們將無法承辦我們的宴會。
  • 19The hotel called, saying that because of its scheduling there, they won't be able to cater for our banquet.酒店打電話來說,由於那裡的日程安排,他們將無法承辦我們的宴會。
  • 20To cater to customers' desires for popular destinations, the four new routes are aimed at helping guests find new and exciting locations.為了滿足顧客對熱門目的地的需求,這四條新路線旨在幫助客人找到新的和令人興奮的地點。
  • 21Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses.由於佛羅里達州的許多地方企業都是為退休人員服務的,這種下降很可能對這些企業產生明顯的負面經濟影響。
  • 22At the moment, we don't have exact numbers of guests and though we usually only cater for groups of less than fifty, we will have quite a few more than that.目前我們沒有確切的客人人數。雖然我們通常只接待50人以下的團體,但我們這次將迎來更多的客人。
  • 23The low tastes just cater his needs.這些低級趣味正從其所好。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 24TV programmes should cater to all tastes.電視節目應當迎合各種人的不同口味。
  • 25Do people rave about your food? Offer to cater events.有人稱讚過你做的食物么?
  • 26The small restaurant couldn't cater such a large wedding.這個小飯館承辦不了這么大規模的結婚筵席。
  • 27To cater to them, many of the old lodges have been revamped.為了迎合遊客的需求,許多門面又被重新修葺了。
  • 28Many of Oman's delights cater to the elite luxury traveler.阿曼提供的許多享受是為了滿足精英階層的奢侈遊客們的胃口。
  • 29Cater to you: Set up the whole day to cater to the other person.迎合你:建立了一整天來迎合其他的人。


