- 中文名:Case Closed v. 15柯南15
- 作者:Aoyama, Gosho
- 出版社:Viz
- 出版時間:2007年1月
- 頁數:208 頁
- 定價:80 元
- 裝幀:Pap
- ISBN:9781421504452
《警察學校篇 Wild Police Story CASE.伊達航》播出前,官方YouTube頻道發布《安室透2022特別預告》 [618]。 特別剪輯版《名偵探柯南 總局刑警戀愛物語~結婚前夜~》精選了高木刑警和佐藤刑警的登場篇章,回顧了兩人的戀愛經歷,松田陣平、萩原研二、伊達航也有登場 [615]。特別剪輯版登場集數包括:第205~206集《...
《CaseClosedv.12柯南12》是2006年Viz出版社出版的圖書,作者是Aoyama,Gosho,Aoyama,Gosho(ART)。內容介紹 High-school mystery fan Shin'ichi Kudo is actually one of his high school's best minds, but he gets his reality checks from his childhood friend and almost-girlfriend Ran Mori. Nothing can...
《Case Closed v. 19柯南19》是2007-9Viz出版社出版的圖書,本書作者是Aoyama, Gosho/ Aoyama, Gosho (ILT)。內容介紹 At long last, Conan has located the scientist responsible for the formula that turned him into a kid. Trouble is, she's taken the formula herself--and she can't change back...
《Case Closed v. 21柯南21》是2008年VIZ LLC出版社出版的圖書,作者是Aoyama、Gosho。內容簡介 Conan and Rachel take to the skies But their transcontinental detective mission runs into unexpected turbulence when a murder is committed on board their passenger plane. Rachel doesn't think she can solve ...
《CaseClosedv.15柯南15》是2007年Viz出版社出版的圖書,作者是Aoyama,Gosho。內容介紹 Volume 15 continues the adventures of Jimmy Kudo, who has been transformed from a high school-age mystery fan to a puny grade schooler by a strange chemical. Now calling himself Detective Conan, he helps his ...