- 外文名:Carterfone
- 又稱:Carterfone規則
- 類別:法則
- 含義:一種無線通信術語
Carson's Rule
A radiocommunications term. Carson's Rule is a method of estimating the bandwidth of an FM (Frequency Modulation) subcarrier system. It is commonly used in satellite systems in order to ensure that a high-fidelity, sharp TV picture will be delivered over a subcarrier TV channel. Violation of Carson's rule results in a higher video signal-to-noise ratio, at the expense of streaking in fast-moving scenes, sharpness of picture, and loss of audio fidelity. Carson's rule states that B = 2x(Df+fmax)(A-3), where B is the bandwidth, Df is the peak deviation of the carrier frequency, and fmax is the highest (maximum) frequency in the modulating subcarrier signal.
一種無線通信術語。Carson 法則用於評估FM(調頻)子載波系統頻寬。衛星系統通常使用這種方法來確保高傳真度、高清晰度電視圖像能夠通過子載波電視頻道傳輸。不遵守Carson 法則的結果是視頻信噪比更高、快速移動的頻幕上出現條紋、圖像清晰度下降、視頻保真度受到損失。Carson 法則共識是 B = 2x(Df+fmax)(A-3),其中B 代表頻寬、Df 代表載波頻率的峰值偏向角、fmax 是調製子載波信號中最高(最大)頻率。
A device for connecting a two-way mobile radio system to the telephone network invented by Thomas Carter. It was electrically connected to the base station of the mobile radio system. Its electrical parts were encased in bakelite. When someone on the radio wanted to speak on a "landline" (the phone system), the base station operator would dial the number on a separate phone then place the telephone handset on the Carterfone device. The handset was acoustically, not electrically, connected to the phone system. No more than 4,000 Carterfones were ever installed, yet the Bell System thought they were the most dangerous device ever invented. Tom Carter died in Gun Barrel, TX where he lived, in the early part of 1991. He died a poor man. See Carterfone Decision.
將雙向無線移動系統與 Thomas Carter 發明的電話網路相連線的一種設備。該設備與無線移動系統的基站通過電路相連線。設備的電路部分被酚醛樹脂包裹。當無線用戶需要與“有線用戶”(電話系統)通話時,基站操作員在一門獨立的電話機上撥打該有線用戶號碼,然後將電話聽筒放在 Carterfone 設備上。電話聽筒是通過聲信號而非電信號連線電話系統的。到目前為止曾經安裝過的 Carterfone 設備不超過4000部,然而 Bell 系統認為這是迄今為止發明的最危險的一種設備。Tom Carter 於1991年初逝於德克薩斯州 Gun Barrel他的家中。死時窮困潦倒。參見 Carterfone Decision。
Carterfone Decision
In the summer of 1968 the FCC determined that the Carterfone and other customer phone devices could be connected to the nation's phone network — if they were "privately beneficial, but not publicly harmful." The Carterfone decision was a landmark. It allowed the connection of non-telephone company equipment to the public telephone network. This decision marked the beginning of the telephone interconnect business as we know it today. The Carterfone decision made a lot of lawyers rich before all the rules on connection to the network got cleared up, and finally codified in something called Part 68 of the FCC's Rules. See Carterfone, NATA and Network Harm.
Carterfone 決議